Azure IoT allows to send data using several protocols like MQTT or AMQP, but in some cases, the size of the message is too big and requires to upload files to Azure Servers. To provide a solution to this issue IoT hub facilitates file uploads from connected devices by providing them with shared access signature (SAS) URIs on a per-upload basis for a blob container and Azure storage account that have been pre-configured with the hub.
From sgcWebSockets 2023.8.0, you can upload files using Azure IoT client. Certificates and SAS are both authentication methods supported.
You can read more about File Upload using the following link:
Upload File Using Certificates
First configure the certificates in your Azure Account and then set the paths of the certificate and key file in the Azure IoT Client Component. Call the method UploadFile to upload a file from a filename path.
oClient := TsgcIoTAzure_MQTT_Client.Create(nil); Try oClient.Certificate.CertFile := 'cert.pem'; oClient.Certificate.KeyFile := 'key.pem'; oClient.Certificate.Enabled := True; oDialog := TOpenDialog.Create(nil); Try if oDialog.Execute then oClient.UploadFile(oDialog.FileName); Finally oDialog.Free; End; Finally FreeAndNil(oClient); End;
Upload File Using SAS
First configure the Secret Key in the Azure IoT Client Component. Call the method UploadFile to upload a file from a filename path.
oClient := TsgcIoTAzure_MQTT_Client.Create(nil); Try oClient.SAS.SecretKey := 'your-secret-key'; oClient.SAS.KeyName := 'key-name'; oClient.SAS.Enabled := True; oDialog := TOpenDialog.Create(nil); Try if oDialog.Execute then oClient.UploadFile(oDialog.FileName); Finally oDialog.Free; End; Finally FreeAndNil(oClient); End;