From sgcWebSockets 2022.7.0 the Binance Wallet API is supported, this means you can request Withdraw, view the deposit history, withdraw history and more.
Wallet Methods
Method | Description |
GetWalletSystemStatus | Fetch system status. |
GetWalletAllCoinsInformation | Get information of coins (available for deposit and withdraw) for user. |
GetWalletDailyAccountSnapshot | Type: "SPOT", "MARGIN", "FUTURES"
SetWalletDisableFastWithdrawSwitch | This request will disable fastwithdraw switch under your account. You need to enable "trade" option for the api key which requests this endpoint. |
SetWalletEnableFastWithdrawSwitch | This request will enable fastwithdraw switch under your account. You need to enable "trade" option for the api key which requests this endpoint. When Fast Withdraw Switch is on, transferring funds to a Binance account will be done instantly. There is no on-chain transaction, no transaction ID and no withdrawal fee. |
WalletWithdraw |
Submit a withdraw request.
GetWalletDepositHistory | Fetch deposit history. |
GetWalletWithdrawHistory | Fetch Withdraw history. |
GetWalletDepositAddress | Fetch deposit address with network. |
GetWalletAccountStatus | Fetch account status detail. |
GetWalletAccountAPITradingStatus | Fetch account api trading status detail. |
GetWalletDustLog | Only return last 100 records Only return records after 2020/12/01 |
GetWalletAssetsConvertedBNB | |
WalletDustTransfer |
Convert dust assets to BNB. You need to openEnable Spot & Margin Trading permission for the API Key which requests this endpoint. |
GetWalletAssetDividendRecord | Query asset dividend record. |
GetWalletAssetDetail | Fetch details of assets supported on Binance. |
GetWalletTradeFee | Fetch trade fee |
WalletUserUniversalTransfer |
You need to enable Permits Universal Transfer option for the API Key which requests this endpoint.MAIN_UMFUTURE Spot account transfer to USDⓈ-M Futures account ENUM of Type:
GetWalletQueryUserUniversalTransferHistory |
GetWalletFundingWallet | Currently supports querying the following business assets:Binance Pay, Binance Card, Binance Gift Card, Stock Token |
GetWalletUserAsset | Get user assets, just for positive data. |
GetWalletApiKeyPermission |
Binance allows to use the Wallet API to submit a Withdraw request, only the followin parameters are mandatory:
- Coin
- Address
- Amount
oBinance := TsgcWSAPI_Binance.Create(nil); oBinance.Binance.ApiKey := '<your api key>'; oBinance.Binance.ApiSecret := '<your api secret>'; ShowMessage(oBinance.REST_API.WalletWithdraw('BTC', '7213fea8e94b4a5593d507237e5a555b', 0.25));
Find below a compiled Binance demo for Windows which shows the main features of the API client. Select the Wallet tab to test the Binance Wallet methods.