From sgcWebSockets 4.4.8 Kraken Futures API is supported
The following APIs are supported:
WebSockets Public API: connects to a public WebSocket server.
WebSockets Private API: connects to a private WebSocket server and requires an API Key and API Secret to Authenticate against server.
REST Public API: connects to a public REST server.
REST Private API: connects to a public REST server and requires an API Key and API Secret to Authenticate against server.
Kraken Futures WebSocket Public API
Some public channels are provided without authentication. Example: you can subscribe to Ticker channel and get market data update through websocket protocol.
// Subscribe to a ticker calling SubscribeTicker method: SubscribeTicker(['PI_XBTUSD']); // If subscription is successful, OnKrakenFuturesSubscribed event will be called: procedure OnKrakenFuturesSubscribed(Sender: TObject; Feed, ProductId: string); begin DoLog('#subscribed: ' + Feed + ' ' + ProductId); end; //UnSubscribe calling UnSubscribeTicker method: UnSubscribeTicker(['PI_XBTUSD']); //If unsubscription is successful, OnKrakenFuturesUnSubscribed event will be called: procedure OnKrakenFuturesUnSubscribed(Sender: TObject; Feed, ProductId: string); begin DoLog('#unsubscribed: ' + Feed + ' ' + ProductId); end; // If there is an error while trying to subscribe / unsubscribe, OnKrakenFuturesError event will be called. procedure OnKrakenFuturesError(Sender: TObject; Error: string); begin DoLog('#error: ' + Error); end;
Kraken Futures WebSocket Private API
The subscribe and unsubscribe requests to WebSocket private feeds require a signed challenge message with the user api_secret.
The challenge is obtained as is shown in Section WebSocket API Public (using the api_key).
Authenticated requests must include both the original challenge message (original_challenge) and the signed (signed_challenge) in JSON format.
In order to get a Websockets Challenge, an API Key and API Secret must be set in Kraken Options Component, the api key provided by Kraken in your account
Example: Subscribe to AccountLog private channel.
// This subscription feed publishes account information. SubscribeAccountLog(); // Later, you can unsubscribe from AccountLog, calling UnSubscribeAccountLog method UnSubscribeAccountLog(); Response example from server { 'feed':'account_log_snapshot', 'logs':[ { 'id':1690, 'date':'2019-07-11T08:00:00.000Z', 'asset':'bch', 'info':'funding rate change', 'booking_uid':'86fdc252-1b6e-40ec-ac1d-c7bd46ddeebf', 'margin_account':'f-bch:usd', 'old_balance':0.01215667051, 'new_balance':0.01215736653, 'old_average_entry_price':0.0, 'new_average_entry_price':0.0, 'trade_price':0.0, 'mark_price':0.0, 'realized_pnl':0.0, 'fee':0.0, 'execution':'', 'collateral':'bch', 'funding_rate':-8.7002552653e-08, 'realized_funding':6.9602e-07 } ] }
Kraken Futures REST Public API
Use HTTP Protocol to get access to Public REST methods. Example: call GetOrderBook to get an snapshot of the Order Book of a Symbol.
Kraken Futures REST Private API
Use the REST Private API to get access to your private account, send orders, cancel orders...
oOrder := TsgcHTTPKrakenFuturesOrder.Create; Try oOrder.Side := kosfBuy; oOrder.Symbol := 'PI_XBTUSD'; oOrder.OrderType := kotfMKT; oOrder.Size := 1; KrakenFutures.REST_API.SendOrder(oOrder); Finally oOrder.Free; End;