Rad Studio 

Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in this version:

[+] : New Component TsgcWSPClient_AMQP, implements AMQP 0.9.1 protocol.
[+] : New Demo AMQP which shows how works AMQP client, it's located in "02.WebSocket_Protocols\10.AMQP_Client" folder.
[+] : Improved BITMEX API Client, REST API is now supported: place orders, Cancel orders, Amend Orders, Close Position... and more.
[+] : Improved BITMEX API Client, WebSocket API now can connect to TestNet.
[+] : Improved BITMEX Demo, has been updated to reflex the new features: REST API, TestNet... is in the folder "01.WebSocket_Quick_Start\02.WebSocket_Clients_APIs".
[+] : Improved WebRTC Protocol, new property "WebRTC.IceServers" which allows to configure custom ICE Servers.
[+] : Improved Pusher Client, new OnPusherAuthentication event to allow implement custom authentication on private and presence channels.
[+] : Improved Telegram Client, Sending a message has a new parameter to send buttons requesting the phone number, location... (for bots only).
[+] : Updated Telegram Libraries to 1.7.9 version to fix the error UPDATE_APP_TO_LOGIN when the user login using a phone.
[+] : Improved Binance Client, now supports Binance.US API (WebSocket and REST APIs).
[+] : Improved Binance Client, new property "Binance.ListenKeyOnDisconnect" allows to define if the ListenKey is deleted when client disconnects or not.
[+] : Improved Binance Client, new property "Binance.UseCombinedStreams" if enabled, events are wrapped as follows: {"stream":"","data":}.
[+] : Improved SChannel, now works on Delphi 7, 2007 and 2009 (*Enterprise edition only).
[+] : Improved PDF Documentation: support for syntax highlighting, image compression, automatic hyphenation, embeded fonts and more.
[+] : Improved HTML Help Documentation, now supports syntax highlighting.

[*] : Fixed Bug compiling CBuilder 2010, PVOID symbol definition conflict.
[*] : Fixed Bug using JWT CLient and openSSL 1.1 libraries.
[*] : Fixed Bug APIs (like Binance, FTX...) always make use of openSSL 1.0.2 instead of taking the configuration of TsgcWebSocketClient.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebRTC Protocol, when a user disconnect from a channel other channels may be disconnected too.
[*] : Fixed Bug MQTT Client when writing/reading had a high load of messages, the message may become corrupted in some cases.
[*] : Fixed Bug SignalR Client, there was an error reconnecting when watchdog was enabled and the client cannot recover the connection automatically.
[*] : Fixed Bug Binance and Kraken Clients, if the event OnHTTPException wasn't handled, the exceptions weren't shown to the user.
[*] : Fixed Bug SChannel wasn't working under Lazarus.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebSocket Server sending fragmented messages when compression was enabled.
[*] : Fixed Bug when PerMessage_Deflate was enabled, while reading a compressed message, Z_BUF_ERROR may close the connection.
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketClient, OnDisconnect event may not be called in some special cases.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebSocket Server, if the property Active was set to True, when the server was already started, an access violation was raised.


Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in this version:

[+] : Improved WebRTC Protocol, new property "WebRTC.IceServers" which allows to configure custom ICE Servers.
[+] : Improved Telegram Client, Sending a message has a new parameter to send buttons requesting the phone number, location... (for bots only).
[+] : Updated Telegram Libraries to 1.7.9 version to fix the error UPDATE_APP_TO_LOGIN when the user login using a phone.
[+] : Improved Binance Client, now supports Binance.US API (WebSocket and REST APIs).
[+] : Improved Binance Client, new property "Binance.ListenKeyOnDisconnect" allows to define if the ListenKey is deleted when client disconnects or not.
[+] : Improved Binance Client, new property "Binance.UseCombinedStreams" if enabled, events are wrapped as follows: {"stream":"","data":}.
[+] : Improved PDF Documentation: support for syntax highlighting, image compression, automatic hyphenation, embeded fonts and more.
[+] : Improved HTML Help Documentation, now supports syntax highlighting.

[*] : Fixed Bug using JWT CLient and openSSL 1.1 libraries.
[*] : Fixed Bug Binance always make use of openSSL 1.0.2 instead of taking the configuration of TsgcWebSocketClient.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebRTC Protocol, when a user disconnect from a channel other channels may be disconnected too.
[*] : Fixed Bug MQTT Client when writing/reading had a high load of messages, the message may become corrupted in some cases.
[*] : Fixed Bug Binance, if the event OnHTTPException wasn't handled, the exceptions weren't shown to the user.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebSocket Server sending fragmented messages when compression was enabled.
[*] : Fixed Bug when PerMessage_Deflate was enabled, while reading a compressed message, Z_BUF_ERROR may close the connection.
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketClient, OnDisconnect event may not be called in some special cases.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebSocket Server, if the property Active was set to True, when the server was already started, an access violation was raised.