Rad Studio 

Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in this version:

[+] : New WhatsApp Client, allows to send and receive messages, documents, images... using Whatsapp Cloud API.
[+] : New WhatsApp Demo, shows how works the WhatsApp Cloud API: send messages, receive notifications...
[+] : New OpenAPI Client Amazon AWS SDK. Allows to make HTTP Requests to Amazon AWS SDK Services.
[+] : New OpenAPI Client Google Cloud APIs. Allows to make HTTP Requests to Google Cloud REST Services.
[+] : New OpenAPI Client Microsoft/Azure APIs. Allows to make HTTP Requests to Microsoft And Azure REST Services.
[+] : New OAuth2 Authentication Client for Google, allows users login with Google Credentials and retrieve the profile info.
[+] : New OAuth2 Authentication Client for Microsoft Azure, allows users login with Microsoft Credentials and retrieve the profile info.
[+] : New Demo showing the OAuth2 Authentication for Google and Microsoft in the folder "20.HTTP_Protocol\09.OAuth2_Social"
[+] : Improved RTCMultiConnection Demo, Added Video-Conferencing sample.

[*] : Fixed Bug HTTP/2 Client, memory leak when the client was destroyed just after receive an HTTP Request.
[*] : Fixed Bug Numeric Overflow connecting to a MQTT 5.0 server.
[*] : Fixed Bug RangeCheck error.
[*] : Fixed Memory Leak TsgcUDPCLient and TsgcUDPServer, the property TLSOptions was not destroyed.
[*] : Fixed Memory Leak TsgcSTUNClient, internal TCP client was not destroyed.
[*] : Fixed Bug Amazon IoT MQTT Client, error connecting when using SignatureV4. (Thanks to Jurgen to let me know).
[*] : Fixed Bug connecting to Socket.IO 4 Server. 


[*] : Fixed Bug Numeric Overflow connecting to a MQTT 5.0 server.
[*] : Fixed Bug RangeCheck error.
[*] : Fixed Memory Leak TsgcUDPCLient and TsgcUDPServer, the property TLSOptions was not destroyed.
[*] : Fixed Memory Leak TsgcSTUNClient, internal TCP client was not destroyed.
[*] : Fixed Bug connecting to Socket.IO 4 Server.