Changes included in sgcWebSockets 4.4.0

[+] : Added support for Rad Studio 10.4 Sydney.
[+] : Improved Telegram API Component, added support for OSX64.
[+] : Improved Telegram API Component, added support for Linux64.
[+] : Improved Telegram API Component, use SetTDJsonPath to set the path of tdjson library.
[+] : New Telegram Demo built with Firemonkey.
[+] : Improved Dataset Protocol, added a new value to UpdateMode, "upRefreshAll", if selected, every time there is a dataset change, instead of edit dataset, it updates (useful when server and clients share the same database).
[+] : New Property TLSOptions.VerifyDepth for Server and Client components, is the maximum number of intermediate certificate issuers (default value is zero).
[+] : New Coturn server is now provided as a compiled console application for windows. Coturn is a STUN/TURN server for WebRTC protocol.
[+] : Improved WAMP 1.0 Protocol, now implements progress calls. A client request a server method, and server returns response in several results. WAMP Demo has been updated to show how works.
[+] : Improved Ping method, if ping is called manually, now you can pass the string of the ping message.
[+] : Improved Server Plain TCP Connections, if HeartBeat is enabled, it will send a message to maintain connection.
[+] : New Demo IOCP, which shows how Indy IOCP Simple Server works.
[+] : New Event OnTCPConnect in Indy Server, this event is called after a TCP Connection and before WebSocket HandShake.

[*] : Critical Bug, 4.3.7 version introduced a bug when NotifyEvents is neAsynchronous or neSynchronous, when several messages were received at the same time, the events were not dispatched correctly and the messages become corrupted.
[*] : Fixed Bug Telegram Client, error parsing telegram message, MessageId was defined as Integer instead of Int64.
[*] : Fixed Bug Custom Indy + OpenSSL 1.1, if certificate has a password, it can't be loaded. Fix requires enable in, compiler directive SGC_OPENSSL_API_1_1.
[*] : Fixed Bug Custom Indy, error compiling when OPENSSL_NO_MD4 or OPENSSL_NO_MD5 compiler defines were enabled. (Thanks to Sébastien to let me know).
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI, Built-in html files were not server if SSL was enabled.
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI, if Authentication was enabled, sometimes request was not processed correctly.
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI, an internal buffer wasn't correctly initialized. (Thanks to David to let me know).
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP, when winhttp.dll was dynamically loaded, after call WriteData method, an error 87 (Invalid Parameter) was returned.
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP, internal Handle was not cleared. (Thanks to David to let me know).
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP, if Asynchronous was enabled, connection was not initialized properly.
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP, exception closing connection.
[*] : Fixed Bug Installing sgcWebSockets for Lazarus on Linux, some units had invalid name (linux is case sensitive).
[*] : Fixed Bug Installing sgcWebSockets for Lazarus on Linux, folder with Indy units had invalid name (linux is case sensitive).