Just pass to the method the parameters: Phone from the message is sent, Phone where the message should be delivered, and the text Message.
Set your own Twilio Account Sid and Twilio Auth Token.
uses sgcHTTP; procedure SendTwilioSMS(const aFrom, aTo, aMessage: string); var oHTTP: TsgcHTTP1Client; oParams: TStringList; vTwilio_Account_Sid, vTwilio_Auth_Token: string; begin oHTTP := TsgcHTTP1Client.Create(nil); Try oParams := TStringList.Create; Try vTwilio_Account_Sid := 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; vTwilio_Auth_Token := 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY'; oParams.Add(Format('Body=%s', [aMessage])); oParams.Add(Format('From=%s', [aFrom])); oParams.Add(Format('To=%s', [aTo])); oHTTP.Request.ContentType := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; oHTTP.Request.BasicAuthentication := True; oHTTP.Request.Username := vTwilio_Account_Sid; oHTTP.Request.Password := vTwilio_Auth_Token; Try ShowMessage(oHTTP.Post('' + vTwilio_Account_Sid + '/Messages.json', oParams)); Except On E: Exception do ShowMessage(E.Message); End; Finally FreeAndNil(oParams); End; Finally FreeAndNil(oHTTP); End; end;