From sgcWebSockets 4.4.8, WebSocket Protocol Files is supported by sgcWebSockets .NET Library.

This protocol allows sending files using binary WebSocket transport. It can handle big files with a low memory usage.


  • Publish/subscribe message pattern to provide one-to-many message distribution and decoupling of applications.
  • Acknowledgment of messages sent.
  • Implements QoS (Quality of Service) for file delivery.
  • Optionally can request Authorization for files received.
  • Low memory usage.

Code Example 

To send a File to Server, just call the method SendFile of Files Protocol and pass the full FileName as argument.

The file received by server, will be saved by default in the same directory where is the server executable or in the Path set in the Files.SaveDirectory property. 

// ... Create Server
TsgcWebSocketServer oServer = new TsgcWebSocketServer();
TsgcWSPServer_Files oServer_Files = new TsgcWSPServer_Files();
oServer_Files.Server = oServer;
oServer.Host = "";
oServer.Port = 8080;

// ... Create Client
TsgcWebSocketClient oClient = new TsgcWebSocketClient();
oClient.URL = "ws://";

// ... Create Protocol
TsgcWSPClient_Files oClient_Files = new TsgcWSPClient_Files();
oClient_Files.Client = oClient;

// ... Start Server
oServer.Active = true;

// ... Connect client and Send File
if oClient.Connect() then