After the Windows Update KB5018410 (10 October 2022) TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 were not supported anymore, but this seems has affected to TLS 1.2 protocol, so when using WinHTTP to connect using TLS 1.2, the following error was raised and the connection was closed:

Security Error 12175

This issue affect to users running the following sgcWebSockets components (under Windows 10):

  • TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP
  • TsgcWebSocketClient, when using SChannel IOHandler
  • TsgcHTTP2Client when using SChannel IOHandler
  • TsgcHTTP1Client when using SChannel IOHandler

How to Fix 

At the moment of writing this post, the way to fix this is install manually the following update:


Which fixes the TLS issue. To install this update, follow the next steps

  1. Go to
  2. Download the correct version (For Windows 10 x64, will be "2022-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 21H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5020435)")
  3. Install the update and restart