Hello, Good evening.
Im trying to use sgcwebsocketClient to connect to AWS IoT , the connection is successful but when i suscribe to a topic a weird behavior happens , the mqtt Connect event fires again and again , i got Connected.. connected... in and endless loop.
Thanks you, Regards.
Im trying to use sgcwebsocketClient to connect to AWS IoT , the connection is successful but when i suscribe to a topic a weird behavior happens , the mqtt Connect event fires again and again , i got Connected.. connected... in and endless loop.
WSClient1.Port := 443;
WSClient1.Host := 'someendpoint.com';
WSClient1.TLS := True;
WSClient1.Proxy.Enabled := False;
WSClient1.Extensions.DeflateFrame.Enabled := False;
WSClient1.Specifications.RFC6455 := True;
WSClient1.Options.Parameters := '/mqtt';
MQTT1.Authentication.Enabled := False;
WSClient1.Active := True;
procedure TMainForm.MQTT1MQTTConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const
Session: Boolean; const ReturnCode: TmqttConnReturnCode);
Thanks you, Regards.