I need to access an API of an Italian public administration via OpenID Connect OAuth2 and in "client credentials grant" mode.
I got a "Client id" and a "Secret" string.
I need to request the JWT type access token by passing the following mandatory parameters:
tokenEndpoint = @ "https://identity.ecocerved.it/connect/token";
grant_type = "client_credentials";
client_id = [ClientId ]
client_secret = [Secret]
apiBaseUrl = "https://demovivifir.ecocamere.it/api"
I have no experience using sgcWebSockets and would be grateful for some suggestions:
1) which objects to use? (I thought TsgcHTTP2Client and sgcHTTP_OAuth2_Client)
2) how to pass the parameters and make the first JWT token request?
3) how to make subsequent requests using the JWT token?
I enclose the manual that was provided to me (in Italian).
I would be very grateful for your help.
Francesco Sgaravatti
I need to access an API of an Italian public administration via OpenID Connect OAuth2 and in "client credentials grant" mode.
I got a "Client id" and a "Secret" string.
I need to request the JWT type access token by passing the following mandatory parameters:
tokenEndpoint = @ "https://identity.ecocerved.it/connect/token";
grant_type = "client_credentials";
client_id = [ClientId ]
client_secret = [Secret]
apiBaseUrl = "https://demovivifir.ecocamere.it/api"
I have no experience using sgcWebSockets and would be grateful for some suggestions:
1) which objects to use? (I thought TsgcHTTP2Client and sgcHTTP_OAuth2_Client)
2) how to pass the parameters and make the first JWT token request?
3) how to make subsequent requests using the JWT token?
I enclose the manual that was provided to me (in Italian).
I would be very grateful for your help.
Francesco Sgaravatti