I'm trying to connect to cloudamqp, but didn't connect, with or without TLS, need change anything else ?
txtHost.text := 'prawn.rmq.cloudamqp.com';
//txtHost.text := '';
txtDefaultPort.text := '1883';
txtSSLPort.text := '8883';
chkTLS.Checked := True;
WSClient.Options.Parameters := '';
MQTT.Authentication.Enabled := True;
MQTT.Authentication.UserName := '****';
MQTT.Authentication.Password := '****';
Port 1883:
#exception:Connection Closed Gracefully.
Port 8883: (TLS)
Thanks !!
txtHost.text := 'prawn.rmq.cloudamqp.com';
//txtHost.text := '';
txtDefaultPort.text := '1883';
txtSSLPort.text := '8883';
chkTLS.Checked := True;
WSClient.Options.Parameters := '';
MQTT.Authentication.Enabled := True;
MQTT.Authentication.UserName := '****';
MQTT.Authentication.Password := '****';
Port 1883:
#exception:Connection Closed Gracefully.
Port 8883: (TLS)
Thanks !!