Anonymous User
  Thursday, 25 June 2020
  2 Replies
  2.4K Visits
I'm trying to connect to cloudamqp, but didn't connect, with or without TLS, need change anything else ?

txtHost.text := '';
//txtHost.text := '';
txtDefaultPort.text := '1883';
txtSSLPort.text := '8883';
chkTLS.Checked := True;
WSClient.Options.Parameters := '';
MQTT.Authentication.Enabled := True;
MQTT.Authentication.UserName := '****';
MQTT.Authentication.Password := '****';

Port 1883:
#exception:Connection Closed Gracefully.

Port 8883: (TLS)

Thanks !!
4 years ago

Most probably the port 1883 is not using websocket as protocol, instead try to connect using plain TCP protocol, just set RFC6455 property to false before connect

WSClient.Specifications.RFC6455 := False;

Kind Regards,
4 years ago
Thanks, working perfect !
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