i installed sgcWebSockets 4.5.3 in Rad Studio XE3. I added a sgcWebClient object to the project but now I get a compile time error in WinInet.h ($(BDSINCLUDE)\windows\sdk):
[bcc32 Error] wininet.h (60): E2015 Ambiguity between 'HINTERNET' and 'Sgcwebsocket_winapi :: HINTERNET'.[/i]
I would be very grateful for a suggestion.
Francesco Sgaravatti
i installed sgcWebSockets 4.5.3 in Rad Studio XE3. I added a sgcWebClient object to the project but now I get a compile time error in WinInet.h ($(BDSINCLUDE)\windows\sdk):
[bcc32 Error] wininet.h (60): E2015 Ambiguity between 'HINTERNET' and 'Sgcwebsocket_winapi :: HINTERNET'.[/i]
I would be very grateful for a suggestion.
Francesco Sgaravatti