By Guest on Friday, 17 June 2022
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I was testing the compiled websocket client demo project to connect to a websocket server using tls.
Without tls it is working fine, with tls and both ports 80 and 443 it fails with the following messages:

#exception: Error connecting with SSL.
EOF was observed that violates the protocol

Is it possible to connect to servers with wss:// ... that use up to date websocket protocol and basic authentication (and custom headers)?

It would be nice to have this directly in delphi code.
Hello ,

You get this exception because the server requires TLS 1.2 and most probably the client is using TLS 1.0 Just set TLS to 1.2 and it should work

TsgcWebSocketClient1.TLSOptions.Version := tls1_2;

Yes, you can connect to wss servers, use basic authentication and add custom headers.

Kind Regards,
2 years ago
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