By Robert Calco on Tuesday, 15 December 2020
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I have installed the sgcWebSockets Minimal Indy package, version 4.4.5, and cannot run many of the sgcWebSockets_Demos projects.

It seems some units related to WebBrokerBridge are not included in the core library even though their source files are in Source. Should I add them to the core library project and recompile/reinstall, or is there a reason they are not included? I'm guessing it's because I have the version with embedded Indy enhancements, but it seems counterintuitive then that these units would be there at all, or that there wouldn't be a separate demo package for the embedded Indy version.

Other projects in the demos have different problems. IWServerChat complains of missing properties with several pop-up dialogs when the project loads. ServerChat has an include directive in uServerChat.pas, '{$I ../../../Source/}', at the top of the unit, which it cannot find but I can fix that by removing the coded relative path and adding Source to the Library path. All kinds of stuff like this.

Please advise about which projects I should expect to work, or not work, with embedded Indy version of the product. TIA!
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