Binance is an international multi-language cryptocurrency exchange. It offers some APIs to access Binance data. The following APIs are supported:
The client supports too, the following APIs are supported:
Binance API has 2 types of methods: public and private. Public methods can be accessed without authentication, example: get ticker prices. Only are only private and related to user data, those methods requires the use of Binance API keys.
Base endpoint is wss://, client can subscribe / unsubscribe from events after a successful connection.
The following Subscription / Unsubscription methods are supported.
Method | Parameters | Description |
AggregateTrades | Symbol | push trade information that is aggregated for a single taker order |
Trades | Symbol | push raw trade information; each trade has a unique buyer and seller |
KLine | Symbol, Interval | push updates to the current klines/candlestick every second, minute, hour... |
MiniTicker | Symbol | 24hr rolling window mini-ticker statistics. These are NOT the statistics of the UTC day, but a 24hr rolling window for the previous 24hrs. |
AllMiniTickers | 24hr rolling window mini-ticker statistics for all symbols that changed in an array. These are NOT the statistics of the UTC day, but a 24hr rolling window for the previous 24hrs. Note that only tickers that have changed will be present in the array. | |
Ticker | Symbol | 24hr rolling window ticker statistics for a single symbol. These are NOT the statistics of the UTC day, but a 24hr rolling window for the previous 24hrs. |
AllMarketTickers | 24hr rolling window ticker statistics for all symbols that changed in an array. These are NOT the statistics of the UTC day, but a 24hr rolling window for the previous 24hrs. Note that only tickers that have changed will be present in the array. | |
BookTicker | Symbol | Pushes any update to the best bid or ask's price or quantity in real-time for a specified symbol. |
AllBookTickers | Pushes any update to the best bid or ask's price or quantity in real-time for all symbols. | |
PartialBookDepth | Symbol, Depth | Top <levels> bids and asks, pushed every second. Valid <levels> are 5, 10, or 20. |
DiffDepth | Symbol | Order book price and quantity depth updates used to locally manage an order book. |
After a successful subcription / unsubscription, client receives a message about it, where id is the result of Subscribed / Unsubscribed method.
"result": null,
"id": 1
Requires a valid ApiKey obtained from your binance account, and ApiKey must be set in Binance.ApiKey property of component.
The following data is pushed to client every time there is a change. There is no need to subscribe to any method, this is done automatically if you set a valid ApiKey.
Method | Description |
Account Update | Account state is updated with the outboundAccountInfo event. |
Balance Update |
Balance Update occurs during the following:
Order Update | Orders are updated with the executionReport event. |
The base endpoint is: All endpoints return either a JSON object or array. Data is returned in ascending order. Oldest first, newest last.
Access to the REST API Options, using the property REST_API.BinanceOptions.
Public API EndPoints
These endpoints can be accessed without any authorization.
General EndPoints
Method | Parameters | Description |
Ping | Test connectivity to the Rest API. | |
GetServerTime | Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time. | |
GetExchangeInformation | Current exchange trading rules and symbol information |
Market Data EndPoints
Method | Parameters | Description |
GetOrderBook | Symbol | Get Order Book. |
GetTrades | Symbol | Get recent trades |
GetHistoricalTrades | Symbol | Get older trades. |
GetAggregateTrades | Symbol | Get compressed, aggregate trades. Trades that fill at the time, from the same order, with the same price will have the quantity aggregated. |
GetKLines | Symbol, Interval | Kline/candlestick bars for a symbol. Klines are uniquely identified by their open time. |
GetAveragePrice | Symbol | Current average price for a symbol. |
Get24hrTicker | Symbol | 24 hour rolling window price change statistics. Careful when accessing this with no symbol. |
GetPriceTicker | Symbol | Latest price for a symbol. |
GetPriceTickers | Symbols | Latest price for an array of symbols. Example: ["BTCUSDT","BNBUSDT"] |
GetBookTicker | Symbol | Best price/qty on the order book for a symbol or symbols. |
Private API EndPoints
Requires an APIKey and APISecret to get authorized by server.
Account Data EndPoints
Method | Parameters | Description |
NewOrder | Symbol, Side, Type | Send in a new order. |
PlaceMarketOrder | Side, Symbol, Quantity | Places a New Market Order |
PlaceMarketQuoteOrder | Side, Symbol, QuoteOrderQty | Places a New Market Quote Order |
PlaceLimitOrder | Side, Symbol, Quantity, LimitPrice | Places a New Limit Order |
PlaceStopOrder | Side, Symbol, Quantity, StopPrice, LimitPrice | Places a New Stop Order |
PlaceStopTrailingOrder | Side, Symbol, Quantity, TrailingDelta, LimitPrice | Places a New Stop Trailing Order |
PlaceTakeProfitOrder | Side, Symbol, Quantity, StopPrice, LimitPrice | Places a New Take Profit Order |
PlaceTakeProfitTrailingOrder | Side, Symbol, Quantity, TrailingDelta, LimitPrice | Places a New Take ProfitTrailing Order |
PlaceLimitMakerOrder | Side, Symbol, Quantity | Places a New Limit Market Order |
TestNewOrder | Symbol, Side, Type | Test new order creation and signature/recvWindow long. Creates and validates a new order but does not send it into the matching engine. |
QueryOrder | Symbol | Check an order's status. |
CancelOrder | Symbol | Cancel an active order. Cancel an active order. Either OrderId or OrigClientOrderId must be sent. |
CancelAllOpenOrders | Symbol (optional) | |
GetOpenOrders | Get all open orders on a symbol. Careful when accessing this with no symbol. | |
GetAllOrders | Symbol | Get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled. |
NewOCO | Symbol, Side, Quantity, Price, StopPrice | Send in a new OCO |
CancelOCO | Symbol | Cancel an entire Order List |
QueryOCO | Symbol | Retrieves a specific OCO based on provided optional parameters |
GetAllOCO | Retrieves all OCO based on provided optional parameters | |
GetOpenOCO | Get All Open OCO. | |
GetAccountInformation | Get current account information. | |
GetAccountTradeList | Symbol | Get trades for a specific account and symbol. |
Convert EndPoints
Method | Parameters | Description |
GetAllConvertPairs | FromAsset, ToAsset | Query for all convertible token pairs and the tokens’ respective upper/lower limits |
GetConvertAssetInfo | Query for supported asset’s precision information | |
SendConvertQuoteRequest | FromAsset, ToAsset | Request a quote for the requested token pairs |
AcceptConvertQuote | QuoteId | Accept the offered quote by quote ID. |
GetConvertOrderStatus | OrderId or QuoteId | Query order status by order ID. |
PlaceConvertLimitOrder | BaseAsset, QuoteAsset, Side, LimitPrice |
Enable users to place a limit order. baseAsset or quoteAsset can be determined via exchangeInfo endpoint. |
CancelConvertLimitOrder | OrderId | Enable users to cancel a limit order |
GetConvertLimitOpenOrders | Enable users to query for all existing limit orders | |
GetConvertTradeHistory | StartTime, EndTime | The max interval between startTime and endTime is 30 days. |
Wallet EndPoints
(*wallet endpoints only work with production server, not demo)
Method | Description |
GetWalletSystemStatus | Fetch system status. |
GetWalletAllCoinsInformation | Get information of coins (available for deposit and withdraw) for user. |
GetWalletDailyAccountSnapshot | Type: "SPOT", "MARGIN", "FUTURES"
SetWalletDisableFastWithdrawSwitch | This request will disable fastwithdraw switch under your account. You need to enable "trade" option for the api key which requests this endpoint. |
SetWalletEnableFastWithdrawSwitch | This request will enable fastwithdraw switch under your account. You need to enable "trade" option for the api key which requests this endpoint. When Fast Withdraw Switch is on, transferring funds to a Binance account will be done instantly. There is no on-chain transaction, no transaction ID and no withdrawal fee. |
WalletWithdraw |
Submit a withdraw request.
GetWalletDepositHistory | Fetch deposit history. |
GetWalletWithdrawHistory | Fetch Withdraw history. |
GetWalletDepositAddress | Fetch deposit address with network. |
GetWalletAccountStatus | Fetch account status detail. |
GetWalletAccountAPITradingStatus | Fetch account api trading status detail. |
GetWalletDustLog | Only return last 100 records Only return records after 2020/12/01 |
GetWalletAssetsConvertedBNB | |
WalletDustTransfer |
Convert dust assets to BNB. You need to openEnable Spot & Margin Trading permission for the API Key which requests this endpoint. |
GetWalletAssetDividendRecord | Query asset dividend record. |
GetWalletAssetDetail | Fetch details of assets supported on Binance. |
GetWalletTradeFee | Fetch trade fee |
WalletUserUniversalTransfer |
You need to enable Permits Universal Transfer option for the API Key which requests this endpoint.MAIN_UMFUTURE Spot account transfer to USDⓈ-M Futures account ENUM of Type:
GetWalletQueryUserUniversalTransferHistory |
GetWalletFundingWallet | Currently supports querying the following business assets:Binance Pay, Binance Card, Binance Gift Card, Stock Token |
GetWalletUserAsset | Get user assets, just for positive data. |
GetWalletApiKeyPermission |
Binance Messages are received in TsgcWebSocketClient component, you can use the following events:
After a successful connection to Binance server.
After a disconnection from Binance server
Messages sent by server to client are handled in this event.
If there is any error in protocol, this event will be called.
If there is an unhandled exception, this event will be called.
Additionally, there is a specific event in Binance API Component, called OnBinanceHTTPException, which is raised every time there is an error calling an HTTP Request (REST API or WebSocket User Stream).
(*) Due to changes in Binance Servers, Indy versions before Rad Studio 10.1, won't be able to connect to Test Servers. This issue doesn't affect to Enterprise Edition or if the Indy version has been upgraded to latest.