
TsgcWSConnection is a wrapper of client WebSocket connections, you can access to this object on Server or Client Events.



  WriteData: sends a message to the client.


  Close: sends a close message to other peer. A "CloseCode" can be specified optionally. By default, the value sent is NORMAL close code. If you send a Negative Close code, the reason of closing won't be sent.


  Disconnect: close client connection from the server side. A "CloseCode" can be specified optionally.


  Ping: sends a ping to the client.


  AddTCPEndOfFrame: if connection is plain TCP, allows to set which byte/s define the end of message. Message is buffered till is received completely.


  Subscribed: returns if the connection is subscribed to a custom channel.


  Subscribe: subscribe this connection to a channel. Later you can Broadcast a message from server component to all connections subscribed to this channel.


  UnSubscribe: unsubscribe this from connection from a channel.




  Protocol: returns sub-protocol used on this connection.


  IP: returns Peer IP Address.


  Port: returns Peer Port.


  LocalIP: returns Host IP Address.


  LocalPort: returns Host Port.


  URL: returns URL requested by the client.


  Guid: returns connection ID.


  HeadersRequest: returns a list of Headers received on Request.


  HeadersResponse: returns a list of Headers sent as Response.


  RecBytes: number of bytes received.


  SendBytes: number of bytes sent.


  Transport: returns the transport type of connection:


trpRFC6455: a normal WebSocket connection.


trpHixie76: a WebSocket connection using draft WebSocket spec.


trpFlash: a WebSocket connection using Flash as FallBack.


trpSSE: a Server-Sent Events connection.


trpTCP: plain TCP connection.



TCPEndOfFrameScanBuffer: allows to define which method use to find end of message (if using trpTCP as tansport).


eofScanNone: every time a new packet arrive, OnBinary event is called.


eofScanLatestBytes: if latest bytes are equal to bytes added with AddTCPEndOfFrame method, OnBinary message is called, otherwise this packet is buffered


eofScanAllBytes: search in all packet if find bytes equal to bytes added with AddTCPEndOfFrame method. If true, OnBinary message is called, otherwise this packet is buffered


  Data: user session data object, here you can pass an object and access this every time you need, for example: you can pass a connection to a database, user session properties...