OAuth2 | Recover Access Tokens

If the OAuth2 Server is destroyed (because it's restarted) and there are valid Access Tokens issued, these are lost by default. You can recover these Access Tokens using the method AddToken. This method stores the tokens in the OAuth2 Server.


Add a Token requires the following information:



You can save the issued tokens handling the OAuth2AfterAccessToken event.


procedure OnOAuth2AfterAccessToken(Sender: TObject; Connection: TsgcWSConnection; OAuth2: TsgcHTTPOAuth2Request; 
  aResponse: string);
  // ... store OAuth2 Token data

OAuth2 := TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Server.Create(nil);
OAuth2.Apps.AddApp('MyApp', '', 'client-id', 'client-secret');
OAuth2.AddToken('MyApp', '12146ce12b0e4813987f2794f768905cefc39da6fbd54f6d9b38387489280608', EncodeDate(2022,1,1), 
oServer.Authentication.Enabled := True;
oServer.Authentication.OAuth.OAuth2 := OAuth2;