TsgcHTTP2Client | Request HTTP/2 Method

HTTP/2 Client can work in blocking and non-blocking mode, internally the component works in a secondary thread and requests are processed asynchronously, but you can call a request and wait till this request is completed.


Find below an example of how client can request an HTML page to a HTTP/2 Server and how can work in both modes.

Asynchronous Mode

Get the following url: https://www.google.com and be notified when client receives the full response. After you call GETASYNC method, the process continues and OnHTTP2Response event is called when response is received.


oClient := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oClient.OnHTTP2Response := OnHTTP2ResponseEvent;
procedure OnHTTP2ResponseEvent(Sender: TObject; const Connection: TsgcHTTP2ConnectionClient; 
  const Request: TsgcHTTP2RequestProperty; const Response: TsgcHTTP2ResponseProperty);
  ShowMessage(Response.Headers.Text + #13#10 + Response.DataString);


Blocking Mode

Get the following url: https://www.google.com and wait till client receives the full response. After you call GET method, the process waits till response is received or time out is reached.

You can access to the Raw Response data, using Response property of HTTP/2 client. Here you can access to Raw Headers, Status response code, Charset and more.


oClient := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
vResponse := oClient.Get('https://www.gooogle.com');
if oClient.Response.Status = 200 then
  ShowMessage('Response from server: ' + vResponse)
  ShowMessage('Response Code: ' + IntToStr(oClient.Response.Status));