STUN Server | Alternate Server

The alternate server represents an alternate transport address identifying a different STUN server that the STUN client should try.


The STUN Server can be configured to send an alternate server as a response to a binding request, to configure this behaviour, just access to STUNOptions.BindingAttributes.AlternateServer property and configure here the values required.


oSTUN := TsgcSTUNServer.Create(nil);
oSTUN.Port := 3478;
oSTUN.STUNOptions.BindingAttributes.AlternateServer.Enabled := True;
oSTUN.STUNOptions.BindingAttributes.AlternateServer.IPAddress := '';
oSTUN.STUNOptions.BindingAttributes.AlternateServer.Port := 3478;
oSTUN.Active := True;

When the client receives the Alternate Server response attribute, it will try to send a request binding to the new server.