TURN Server | Allocations

All TURN operations revolve around allocations and all TURN messages are associated with an Allocation. An allocation consists of:



When a TURN client sends an Allocate request, this TURN message is processed by server and tries to create a new Relayed Transport Address. By default, if there is any available UDP port, it will create a new Relayed Address, but you can use OnTURNBeforeAllocate event to reject a new Allocation request.


procedure OnTURNBeforeAllocate(Sender: TObject; const aSocket: TsgcSocketConnection; 
  const aIP: string; aPort: Word; var Reject: Boolean);
  if not (your own rules) then
	Reject := false;

If the process continues, the server creates a new allocation and the event OnTURNCreateAllocation is called. This event provides information about the Allocation through the class TsgcTURNAllocationItem.


procedure OnTURNCreateAllocation(Sender: TObject; const aSocket: TsgcSocketConnection; 
  const Allocation: TsgcTURNAllocationItem);
  DoLog('New Allocation: ' + Allocation.RelayIP + ':' + IntToStr(Allocation.RelayPort));


When the Allocation expires or is deleted receiving a Refresh Request from client with a lifetime of zero, the event OnTURNDeleteAllocation event is fired.


procedure OnTURNDeleteAllocation(Sender: TObject; const aSocket: TsgcSocketConnection; 
  const Allocation: TsgcTURNAllocationItem);
  DoLog('Allocation Deleted: ' + Allocation.RelayIP + ':' + IntToStr(Allocation.RelayPort));