TURN Server | Long Term Credentials

Usually TURN Servers are configured WITH Authentication for TURN requests and without Authentication for STUN requests.


sgcWebSockets TURN Server supports Long-Term Credentials, so you can configure TsgcTURNServer to only allow requests with Long-Term credentials info.


To configure it, access to TURNOptions.Authorization property and enable it.

Then access to LongTermCredentials property and enabled it. By default, this type of authorization is already configured with a Realm string and with a default StaleNonce value of 10 minutes (= 600 seconds).


oTURN := TsgcTURNServer.Create(nil);
oTURN.Port := 3478;
oTURN.STUNOptions.Authentication.Enabled := False;
oTURN.TURNOptions.Authentication.Enabled := True;
oTURN.TURNOptions.Authentication.LongTermCredentials.Enabled := True;
oTURN.TURNOptions.Authentication.LongTermCredentials.Realm := 'sgcWebSockets';
oTURN.TURNOptions.Authentication.LongTermCredentials.StaleNonce := 600;
oTURN.Active := True;

procedure OnSTUNRequestAuthorization(Sender: TObject; const aRequest: TsgcSTUN_Message; 
  const aUsername, aRealm: string; var Password: string);
  if (aUsername = 'my-user') and (aRealm = 'sgcWebSockets') then
    Password := 'my-password';