TsgcWebSocketClient | SChannel Get Connection Info

Once the client has connected to the secure server, you can request info about which Version is using (TLS 1.2, TLS 1.3...), the cipher used, strength... and more.


Call the function GetInfo of the SChannel Handler to access this info. You can access to the SSL Handler, using the method OnSSLAfterCreateHandler, which is called after the SChannel Handler is created. After the client connects to server and if the SSL Handler is assigned, call the function GetInfo and if successful, will return the connection data.


  SSL: TsgcIdSSLIOHandlerSocketSChannel;

oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.URL := 'wss://www.esegece.com:2053';
oClient.TLSOptions.Version := tls1_2;
oClient.TLSOptions.IOHandler := iohSChannel;
oClient.OnSSLAfterCreateHandler := OnSSLAfterCreateHandlerEvent;
oClient.OnConnect := OnConnectEvent;
oClient.Active := True;

procedure OnSSLAfterCreateHandlerEvent(Sender: TObject; aType: TwsSSLHandler; 
  aSSLHandler: TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase);
  if aSSLHandler.ClassType = TsgcIdSSLIOHandlerSocketSChannel  then
    SSL := TsgcIdSSLIOHandlerSocketSChannel(aSSLHandler);

procedure OnConnectEvent(Connection: TsgcWSConnection);
  oInfo: TsgcSChannelConnectionInfo;
  if Assigned(SSL) then
    oInfo := SSL.GetInfo;
    if (oInfo.Protocol <> tls1_2) then
      raise Exception.Create('Client cannot connect using TLS 1.2');