WebSocket Client based on Indy Library.
WebSocket Server based on Indy Library
WebSocket + HTTP Server based on Indy Library.
Fast Performance WebSocket + HTTP Server based on HTTP.SYS Microsoft HTTP API.
WebSocket Client based on WinHTTP Library.
Binance Spot Client, supports WebSocket + REST APIs.
Binance Futures Client, supports WebSocket + REST APIs.
Coinbase Pro Client, supports WebSocket + REST APIs.
Bitmex Client, supports WebSocket + REST APIs.
Socket.IO Client.
SignalR WebSocket Client.
SignalRCore WebSocket Client.
Pusher WebSocket Client.
Kraken Client API, supports WebSocket and REST Api.
Kraken Futures Client API, supports WebSocket and REST Api.
Bitstamp WebSocket Client.
Bittrex WebSocket Client
Cex WebSocket Client.
FTX WebSocket Client.
FXCM WebSocket Client.
Huobi WebSocket Client.
Kucoin Spot API Client, supports WebSocket + REST API.
Kucoin Futures API Client, supports WebSocket + REST API.
ThreeCommas Client API.
Bitfinex WebSocket API.
OKX WebSocket API.
Bybit WebSocket API.
XTB WebSocket API.
Discord WebSocket Client.
BlockChain WebSocket Client.
RTCMultiConnection Server.
WebPush Notifications Server.
WhatsApp Cloud API Client.
Telegram API Client.
Cryptohopper Client API.
RCON Client.
MQTT (3.1.1 and 5.0) Client. Supports WebSocket and Plain TCP Connections.
AMQP 0.9.1 Client. Supports RabbitMQ Brokers.
STOMP Client, supports WebSocket and Plain TCP Connections.
STOMP Client for ActiveMQ Broker.
STOMP Client for RabbitMQ Broker.
WAMP Client Protocol.
WAMP Server Protocol.
WAMP 2.0 Client Protocol.
WebRTC Server based on AppRTC Google Project.
WebRTC Server Protocol.
WebSocket Client SGC Protocol based on JSON RPC.
WebSocket Server SGC Protocol based on JSON RPC.
WebSocket File Transfer Client Protocol.
WebSocket File Transfer Server Protocol.
WebSocket Client Dataset Synchronization Protocol.
WebSocket Server Dataset Synchronization Protocol.
WebSocket Client Presence Protocol.
WebSocket Server Presence Protocol.
WebSocket Server RTCPeerConnection Protocol.
WebSocket Client Broker Protocol to handle more than 1 protocol in a single connection.
WebSocket Server Broker Protocol to handle more than 1 protocol in a single connection.
OpenAI API Client.
OpenAI ChatBot.
OpenAI Translator.
Audio Recorder MCI.
Audio Player MCI.
Text-To-Speech System.
Text-To-Speech Amazon.
Text-To-Speech Google.
OpenAI Embeddings.
Database Vector File.
Database Vector Pinecone.
HTTP 1.0 Client based on Indy TIdHTTP.
HTTP 2.0 Client.
OAuth 2.0 Client.
OAuth 2.0 Server.
OAuth 2.0 Server Provider
Amazon AWS SQS Client.
Google Cloud Pub/Sub Client.
Google Calendar Client.
Amazon MQTT IoT Core Client.
Azure IoT MQTT Client.
UDP Client.
UDP Server.
STUN Client.
STUN Server.
STUN / TURN Client.
STUN / TURN Server.
ICE Client.
DataSnap Server Replacement with support for HTTP + WebSockets.
DataSnap Server Replacement with support for HTTP/2 + WebSockets.
DataSnap Server Replacement based on HTTP.SYS Microsoft HTTP Server API.