Latest version of Rad Studio, November 21st, 2019, includes new features like Delphi Android 64-bit support, iOS 13 and MacOS Catalina support for Delphi and other enhancements.

From sgcWebSockets 4.3.2, Android 64-bit is supported, so you can build 64-bit applications for Google Play Store.

You can download latest beta from your personal account.

New Features for Android in Rad Studio 10.3.3 

  • A new Delphi compiler for the Android 64-bit platform, based on the LLVM compiler infrastructure. This compiler is feature-compatible with the Android 32-bit compiler and it has support for the ARC memory model like all other Delphi mobile platform compilers (iOS 32- and 64-bit, and Android 32-bit).
  • Extensive RTL support including core file system access, platform integration, memory and threads management, but also HTTP and REST client libraries, the Parallel Programming Library, and more.
  • Complete support for the FireMonkey library and all FireMonkey controls previously available on the Android 32-bit platform.
  • Support for the database RTL and the FireDAC client access library, with support for the same databases previously available on the Android 32-bit platform.
  • Improvements in FMX support for the Android platform, for both 64-bit and 32-bit apps
  • InterBase support for Delphi Android 64-bit. Target Android 64-bit with embedded InterBase (IBLite and IBToGo)