sgcWebSockets 2024.10

Rad Studio [+] : Improved OpenAI Assistant, now allows to upload files and ask questions about the content of these files. [+] : Improved OpenAI Assistant Demo, a new option has been added to upload files. The demo shows how to upload the sgcWebSockets.pdf manual and ask questions about it. [+] : Improved sgcIndy Setup, new Option "Avoid Storing Ne...

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sgcWebSockets 2024.9

Rad Studio [+] : New Component TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_FCM_Client, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably send messages at no cost. [+] : New Demo "20.HTTP_Protocol\03.Google\03.Google_FCM" which shows how connect to send messages using the Firebase Cloud Messaging Client. [+] : Improved OpenAPI Par...

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sgcWebSockets 2024.8

Rad Studio [+] : Improved OAuth2 Server component, new event OnOAuth2ResponseError which allows to customize the HTTP response error. [+] : Improved JWT Server component, new event OnJWTResponseError which allows to customize the HTTP response error. [+] : Improved SignalR Client Component, added cookie authentication. [+] : Improved OpenSSL suppor...

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sgcWebSockets 2024.7

Rad Studio [+] : Improved OAuth2 Client, new grant type: auth2ResourceOwnerPassword which supports the Resource Owner Password Flow. [+] : Improved OpenAPI Parser, when using the Endpoint to take the method name, now adds the type of the method request (UsingGET, UsingPOST...) at the end of the name. [+] : Improved OpenAPI Client, added the propert...

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sgcWebSockets 2024.5

Rad Studio [+] : Improved Binance API Client, new place order functions: PlaceMarketQuoteOrder, PlaceStopTrailingOrder, PlaceTakeProfitOrder, PlaceTakeProfitTrailingOrder and PlaceLimitMakerOrder. [+] : Improved Binance API Client, new method: GetPriceTickers to request multiple symbol prices in a single request. [+] : Improved Binance API REST Cli...

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sgcWebSockets 2024.4

Rad Studio [+] : Improved Binance API Client, the convert endpoints have been added to the REST_API class. [+] : Added the property Options.Software to customize the Server HTTP Header value. [+] : New Demo showing how to use OpenAI to convert code from different languages, the demo is located in the folder "15.AI\02.Applications\04.CodeConverter"....

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sgcWebSockets 2024.3.0

Rad Studio [+] : Updated the OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries to the version 1.1.1w. This is the latest release for the Api 1.1.1. [+] : Updated the OpenSSL 3.0.0 libraries to the version 3.0.13. [+] : Updated the OpenSSL 3.1.0 libraries to the version 3.1.5. (These are currently the recommended openSSL libraries). [+] : Updated the OpenSSL 3.2.0 libraries ...

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sgcWebSockets 2024.2

Rad Studio [+] : New Component TsgcWSPClient_AMQP1, implements AMQP 1.0.0 protocol. [+] : - Authentication: anonymous or SASLPlain [+] : - Plain TCP / TLS. [+] : - Create / Close Sessions. [+] : - Create / Close Sender Links. 3 Send modes: settled, unsettled or mixed. [+] : - Create / Close Receiver Links. 2 Read modes: automatic or manual. [+] : -...

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sgcWebSockets 2024.1

Rad Studio [+] : Added support for Lazarus 3.0 [+] : Improved Bybit API Client, the client has been upgraded to V5 API. [+] : Improved Demo "05.Crypto\01.CryptoAPI", it has been updated to show how the new Bybit endpoints work. [+] : Improved Bitmex REST API Client, the method "GetInstrumentsActive" has been implemented. [+] : Improved OpenAPI Clie...

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sgcWebSockets 2023.8

Rad Studio [+] : Added support for Rad Studio 12 Athens. [+] : Updated the Indy version to the latest. [+] : New Client API: CEX PLUS: cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform. Implement WebSocket protocol for private and public channels. [+] : Improved Demo "05.Crypto\01.CryptoAPI" which shows how CEX Plus client API works. [+] : Improved Indy...

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sgcWebSockets 2023.7

Rad Studio [+] : Improved the Presence Server Protocol, new "Broadcast" method which allows to send a message to all connected clients using this protocol or to clients subscribed to a specific channel. [+] : Improved the Kraken API Client, added the Private User Funding methods of the REST API. [+] : Improved the Bitstamp API Client, added the Web...

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sgcWebSockets 2023.6

Rad Studio [+] : New Pinecone API Client, it's a vector database which provides long-term memory for AI using embeddings from AI models. [+] : New Demo showing the main features of Pinecone API, it's located in the folder "15.AI\10.Vector_Database\01.Pinecone". [+] : New TsgcAIDatabaseVectorFile, handles the OpenAI Embedding vectors using 2 files: ...

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sgcWebSockets 2023.5

Rad Studio [+] : New TsgcAIOpenAIChatBot, is an OpenAI ChatBot Component, allowing to build a Voice Command ChatBot for Windows using OpenAI APIs and Text-To-Speech Providers like Google or Amazon. [+] : New TsgcAIOpenAITranslator, is an OpenAI Translator Component, allowing to build a Voice Command Translator Application for Windows using OpenAI A...

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sgcWebSockets 2023.4

Rad Studio [+] : New Server API Component TsgcWSAPIServer_WebPush, implements WebPush Protocol on Server Side, allowing to ask permission to the users, register the subscriptions, send notifications and more. [+] : New Client API Component TsgcWebPush_Client, implements WebPush Protocol on Client Side, allowing to send notifications to users via de...

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sgcWebSockets 2023.3

Rad Studio [+] : Added Support for OpenAI API, which allows to interact with models like gpt-3.5-turbo, speech to text, translations, Image AI generation and much more. [+] : New Demos which show how to use the OpenAI API in the folder "15.AI". [+] : Improved TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP, there is a new property "VerifyCertificate" to enable the Ser...

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sgcWebSockets 2023.2

Rad Studio [+] : Added Support for Rad Studio 11.3. [+] : New OpenAPI Pascal Parser, imports any openAPI 3.0, Swagger 1.0 or 2.0 specification and creates a pascal interface file. [+] : Improved HTTP.SYS Server, new event OnTCPConnect, is called AFTER the TCP connection and BEFORE Websocket handshake or HTTP read request. [+] : Improved WebSocket S...

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sgcWebSockets 2023.1

Rad Studio [+] : Updated Telegram libraries to version 1.8.9. [+] : Improved Telegram Client, when there is an error while loading the library on MacOS, now the error message with the reason is caught. [+] : Improved Indy Server, new property SSLOptions.OpenSSL_Options.CipherList to customize the Cipher List. [*] : Fixed Bug IOCP IOHandler and SSL,...

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sgcWebSockets 2022.10

Rad Studio  [+] : New Client API: Bybit: cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform. Implement WebSocket protocol for: Spot, Inverse Perpetual, USDT Perpetual and Inverse Futures. [+] : Improved Demo "05.Crypto\01.CryptoAPI" which shows how Bybit client API works. [+] : Improved WhatsApp API to version 15.0. [+] : Improved WhatsApp API, new ...

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sgcWebSockets 2022.9

Rad Studio  [+] : Added support for EPOLL on Linux Indy Servers (Websocket and HTTPs Servers). The property IOHandlerOptions.IOHandlerType has a new value called iohEPOLL. [+] : New Property "IOHandlerOptions.EPOLL" on Indy Servers, to configure the EPOLL IOHandler Server properties. [+] : New Demo which shows how the Indy EPOLL Server works i...

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sgcWebSockets 2022.8

Rad Studio  Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in this version: [+] : Added support for new iOS Simulator for ARM64 (Rad Studio 11.2). [+] : Added support for DTLS over UDP (Server and Client components). [+] : New Component TsgcRTCPeerConnection, allows to connect and exchange data between 2 remote peers (P2...

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