sgcWebSockets 2025.2

Rad Studio

[+] : Improved Socket.IO Client, new property HandShakeAuthToken to set the authentication token when required.
[+] : Improved Socket.IO sample, the previous online server has been closed and now has been replaced by a new one.
[+] : Improved Setup, now if detects the IDE is running aborts the installation until it's closed.
[+] : Improved HTTP.SYS Server to handle Partial Requests. Added the following properties:
- THttpServerRequest: Range.
- THttpServerResponse: AcceptRanges, ContentRangeStart, ContentRangeEnd and ContentRangeInstanceLength.
[+] : Improved TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer, new event OnBeforeCommand which allows to customize the response, authorize or not a request... before is done internally.

[*] : Fixed Bug MQTT Client when using mqtt5 the payload had some invalid characters.
[*] : Fixed Bug MQTT Client when the connection is over TCP a message received in multiple packets was not decoded properly.
[*] : Fixed Bug TLS and Android, when using ALPN, the accepted value returned was not properly decoded.
[*] : Fixed Bug Pusher Client, error processing subscription event without data.
[*] : Fixed Bug Telegram Client reading the Sender User Id in a group. (Thanks to Michael for the fix).
[*] : Fixed Bug DataSnap+HTTP.SYS Server the value of the funciton TsgcWebRequestHTTPAPI.GetHeaderValue was returning always empty string.
[*] : Fixed Bug AMQP1_Client reading an internal TThreadList.

[*] : Fixed Bug HTTP2 Server, Authentication Basic was not working although it was enabled. 


[+] : Improved Socket.IO Client, new property HandShakeAuthToken to set the authentication token when required.
[+] : Improved Socket.IO sample, the previous online server has been closed and now has been replaced by a new one.

[*] : Fixed Bug MQTT Client when using mqtt5 the payload had some invalid characters.
[*] : Fixed Bug MQTT Client when the connection is over TCP a message received in multiple packets was not decoded properly.
[*] : Fixed Bug Telegram Client reading the Sender User Id in a group. (Thanks to Michael for the fix).

[*] : Fixed Bug HTTP2 Server, Authentication Basic was not working although it was enabled. 

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OpenSSL Load Additional Functions
sgcWebSockets 2025.1

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