Coinbase Advanced Trading API

From sgcWebSockets 2025.1.0 the Coinbase Advanced Trading API is supported for WebSocket and REST Interfaces. The version supported is v3.

WebSocket API

The WebSocket feed is publicly available and provides real-time market data updates for orders and trades. Two endpoints are supported in production:

  • Market Data is our traditional feed that provides updates for both orders and trades. Most channels are now available without authentication.
  • User Order Data provides updates for the orders of the user.

You can subscribe to the following channels:

ChannelDescriptionRequires Authentication
heartbeatsReal-time server pings to keep all connections openNo
candlesReal-time updates on product candlesNo
statusSends all products and currencies on a preset intervalNo
tickerReal-time price updates every time a match happensNo
ticker_batchReal-time price updates every 5000 milli-secondsNo
level2All updates and easiest way to keep order book snapshotNo
userOnly sends messages that include the authenticated userYes
market_tradesReal-time updates every time a market trade happensNo
futures_balance_summaryReal-time updates every time a user's futures balance changesYes


The Advanced Trade API lets you manage orders, portfolios, products, and fees with our new v3 endpoints. 

APIMethodResourceAPI Key Permission
List AccountsGET/accountsview
Get AccountGET/accounts/:account_idview
Create OrderPOST/orderstrade
Cancel OrdersPOST/orders/batch_canceltrade
List OrdersGET/orders/historical/batchview
List FillsGET/orders/historical/fillsview
Get OrderGET/orders/historical/{order_id}view
Preview OrdersPOST/orders/previewview

Get Product BookGET/product_bookview
List ProductsGET/productsview
Get ProductGET/products/{product_id}view
Get Product CandlesGET/products/{product_id}/candlesview
Get Market TradesGET/products/{product_id}/tickerview

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