publicstructCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT {
public DWORD cbSize;
public DWORD cChain;
public DWORD cLowerQualityChainContext;
public ^PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXTrgpLowerQualityChainContext;
public BOOL fHasRevocationFreshnessTime;
public DWORD dwRevocationFreshnessTime;
public DWORD dwCreationFlags;
warning ! ^^CERT_SIMPLE_CHAIN Following is returned when CERT_CHAIN_RETURN_LOWER_QUALITY_CONTEXTS is set in dwFlags
fHasRevocationFreshnessTime: BOOL;
fHasRevocationFreshnessTime is only set if we are able to retrieve revocation information for all elements checked for revocation. For a CRL its CurrentTime - ThisUpdate. dwRevocationFreshnessTime is the largest time across all elements checked.