By Admin on Sunday, 20 August 2023
Category: All

Bitstamp API Client Updated

​The Bitstamp API Client has been updated to include new features and API endpoints. Find below a list of the main features implemented:


REST API Public Methods


Order Book


Market Info

REST API Private Methods

Account Balance



WebSocket Private Subscriptions

SubscribeMyOrders: get updates about the orders sent. JSON data:

idOrder ID.
id_strOrder ID represented in string format.
client_order_idClient order ID (if used when placing order).
amountOrder amount.
amount_strOrder amount represented in string format.
priceOrder price.
price_strOrder price represented in string format.
order_typeOrder type (0 - buy, 1 - sell).
datetimeOrder datetime.
microtimestampOrder action timestamp represented in microseconds.

SubscribeMyTrades: get updates about the trades. JSON data:

idTrade ID.
order_idOrder ID associated with the trade.
client_order_idClient order ID associated with the trade.
amountTrade amount.
priceTrade price.
feeTrade fee.
sideTrade side (buy or sell).
microtimestampTrade timestamp represented in microseconds.

Bitstamp Demo

Find below a Bitstamp Demo for windows compiled with the sgcWebSockets library for Delphi. 

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