By Admin on Wednesday, 08 September 2021
Category: All

DevExtreme Datagrid WebSocket Protocol

​DevExtreme Data Grid, from DevExpress, it's a powerful Data Grid for Javascript. One of the features it's partial updates which allows to update a record of a grid without updating the full page. Usually the update is received using WebSocket protocol.

sgcWebSockets library can be used with DevExtreme Data Grid, allowing to update the Grid in Real-Time without losing performance.

Push API 

​DevExtreme uses a push API to update the Grid when a new modification is received. The server pass the data to the clients, usually using WebSocket protocol, and then pushes the modifications to the grid.

​Below is an example of using sgcWebSockets Dataset Protocol with the DevExtreme Push API. It's a WebSocket server that provides Real-Time Stock Quotes to all Clients connected.

​Find below the compiled DevExtreme Data Grid + sgcWebSockets demo for Windows.

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