From sgcWebSockets 4.5.3, the openSSL 3.0 libraries are supported for the following compilers:
Delphi 7 - Rad Studio 11
- Windows 32/64
- OSX 64
- Android 32/64
- iOS 64
- Linux 64
- Windows 32/64
OpenSSL 3.0
OpenSSL it's a major release with several internal changes, but it doesn't offers several advantages over 1.1
The openSSL libraries have been renamed, for example:
Windows 32
- libcrypto-3.dll
- libssl-3.dll
Windows 64
- libcrypto-3-x64.dll
- libssl-3-x64.dll
OpenSSL 3.0 Rad Studio (Delphi and CBuilder)
The components that make use of the openSSL libraries, have been updated and a new option has been added to select the openSSL 3.0 API
For example: the WebSocket client has a property called TLSOptions.OpenSSL_Options.APIVersion where it can be selected the openSSL API version, the value olsAPI_3_0 has been added to select openSSL 3.0 libraries.
The openSSL libraries for all Rad Studio personalities can be downloaded from the private account of registered customers.
OpenSSL 3.0 .NET
The components that make use of the openSSL libraries, have been updated and a new option has been added to select the openSSL 3.0 API
For example: the WebSocket client has a property called TLSOptions.OpenSSL_Options.APIVersion where it can be selected the openSSL API version, the value olsAPI_3_0 has been added to select openSSL 3.0 libraries.
OpenSSL 3.0 Demo
Find below a compiled demo for Windows, which allows to select the openSSL libraries (1.0, 1.1 or 3.0) to open secure WebSocket or HTTP connections.