By Admin on Wednesday, 01 November 2023
Category: All

Rad Studio Setup Updated

​The installer setup for eSeGeCe customers have been updated and now implements the following new features:

1. A single setup is used for all sgcWebSockets source code editions.

2. Offline installation.

3. Third-party libraries included in the installer.

4. New Command Line parameters.

5. Added support for Rad Studio 12

One setup for All Editions

​Previously there was one setup for every sgcWebSockets Edition, now there is a single setup that can handle and retrieve information for every edition. This simplifies a lot to build new releases and provide better and fastest updates.

Every time there is a new release, the setup requires to connect to the server license to retrieve information about the subscription, once the license is activated successfully, the information is stored and retrieved when the same version is installed again.

Offline installation

​The setup can now be used on machines without internet access. The process is very simple, just select Install Offline option and press the option Get Key to copy a string, that will be pasted in the subscription page of your online private account. If the activation is successful, an activation license will be returned that must be copied into the Activate License form of the setup.

Third Party Libraries

​Now the libraries are included in the setup, so it can be updated during the installation. By default are installed, but you can disable using the option.

Command Line Parameters

​The following commands are supported by the installer.


The wizard and the background window are not displayed but the installation progress is


When a setup is very silent this installation progress window is not displayed.


The package is not installed only extracted. The folder where the files are extracted can be customized passing the path as the value of the command parameter. Example: /EXTRACT=c:\software\sgcWebSockets

Use this parameter and /SILENT if you only want to extract the files without user interaction.


This parameter allows to set which do you want to install. Set one of the following:

Additionally you can add Lazarus.

Example: install delphi and lazarus.



Using this parameter you can set which Rad Studio versions do you want to install. Multiple options are allowed:

Use the value "All" to install all possible versions.

Example: install Delphi 10 and Delphi 12.



Using this parameter you can set which Rad Studio Personalities do you want to install. Multiple options are allowed:

Use the value "All" to install all possible platforms

Example: install Win32 and Win64.


Rad Studio 12

The installer has been updated to support Rad Studio 12. 

sgcWebSockets for Delphi

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