By Admin on Saturday, 08 January 2022
Category: All

sgcWebSockets 2022.1.0

Rad Studio 

​​Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in this version:

[+] : New Component TsgcWSPClient_AMQP, implements AMQP 0.9.1 protocol.
[+] : New Demo AMQP which shows how works AMQP client, it's located in "02.WebSocket_Protocols\10.AMQP_Client" folder.
[+] : Improved BITMEX API Client, REST API is now supported: place orders, Cancel orders, Amend Orders, Close Position... and more.
[+] : Improved BITMEX API Client, WebSocket API now can connect to TestNet.
[+] : Improved BITMEX Demo, has been updated to reflex the new features: REST API, TestNet... is in the folder "01.WebSocket_Quick_Start\02.WebSocket_Clients_APIs".
[+] : Improved WebRTC Protocol, new property "WebRTC.IceServers" which allows to configure custom ICE Servers.
[+] : Improved Pusher Client, new OnPusherAuthentication event to allow implement custom authentication on private and presence channels.
[+] : Improved Telegram Client, Sending a message has a new parameter to send buttons requesting the phone number, location... (for bots only).
[+] : Updated Telegram Libraries to 1.7.9 version to fix the error UPDATE_APP_TO_LOGIN when the user login using a phone.
[+] : Improved Binance Client, now supports Binance.US API (WebSocket and REST APIs).
[+] : Improved Binance Client, new property "Binance.ListenKeyOnDisconnect" allows to define if the ListenKey is deleted when client disconnects or not.
[+] : Improved Binance Client, new property "Binance.UseCombinedStreams" if enabled, events are wrapped as follows: {"stream":"","data":}.
[+] : Improved SChannel, now works on Delphi 7, 2007 and 2009 (*Enterprise edition only).
[+] : Improved PDF Documentation: support for syntax highlighting, image compression, automatic hyphenation, embeded fonts and more.
[+] : Improved HTML Help Documentation, now supports syntax highlighting.

[*] : Fixed Bug compiling CBuilder 2010, PVOID symbol definition conflict.
[*] : Fixed Bug using JWT CLient and openSSL 1.1 libraries.
[*] : Fixed Bug APIs (like Binance, FTX...) always make use of openSSL 1.0.2 instead of taking the configuration of TsgcWebSocketClient.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebRTC Protocol, when a user disconnect from a channel other channels may be disconnected too.
[*] : Fixed Bug MQTT Client when writing/reading had a high load of messages, the message may become corrupted in some cases.
[*] : Fixed Bug SignalR Client, there was an error reconnecting when watchdog was enabled and the client cannot recover the connection automatically.
[*] : Fixed Bug Binance and Kraken Clients, if the event OnHTTPException wasn't handled, the exceptions weren't shown to the user.
[*] : Fixed Bug SChannel wasn't working under Lazarus.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebSocket Server sending fragmented messages when compression was enabled.
[*] : Fixed Bug when PerMessage_Deflate was enabled, while reading a compressed message, Z_BUF_ERROR may close the connection.
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketClient, OnDisconnect event may not be called in some special cases.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebSocket Server, if the property Active was set to True, when the server was already started, an access violation was raised.


​Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in this version:

[+] : Improved WebRTC Protocol, new property "WebRTC.IceServers" which allows to configure custom ICE Servers.
[+] : Improved Telegram Client, Sending a message has a new parameter to send buttons requesting the phone number, location... (for bots only).
[+] : Updated Telegram Libraries to 1.7.9 version to fix the error UPDATE_APP_TO_LOGIN when the user login using a phone.
[+] : Improved Binance Client, now supports Binance.US API (WebSocket and REST APIs).
[+] : Improved Binance Client, new property "Binance.ListenKeyOnDisconnect" allows to define if the ListenKey is deleted when client disconnects or not.
[+] : Improved Binance Client, new property "Binance.UseCombinedStreams" if enabled, events are wrapped as follows: {"stream":"","data":}.
[+] : Improved PDF Documentation: support for syntax highlighting, image compression, automatic hyphenation, embeded fonts and more.
[+] : Improved HTML Help Documentation, now supports syntax highlighting.

[*] : Fixed Bug using JWT CLient and openSSL 1.1 libraries.
[*] : Fixed Bug Binance always make use of openSSL 1.0.2 instead of taking the configuration of TsgcWebSocketClient.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebRTC Protocol, when a user disconnect from a channel other channels may be disconnected too.
[*] : Fixed Bug MQTT Client when writing/reading had a high load of messages, the message may become corrupted in some cases.
[*] : Fixed Bug Binance, if the event OnHTTPException wasn't handled, the exceptions weren't shown to the user.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebSocket Server sending fragmented messages when compression was enabled.
[*] : Fixed Bug when PerMessage_Deflate was enabled, while reading a compressed message, Z_BUF_ERROR may close the connection.
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketClient, OnDisconnect event may not be called in some special cases.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebSocket Server, if the property Active was set to True, when the server was already started, an access violation was raised.

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