By Admin on Monday, 25 April 2022
Category: All

sgcWebSockets 2022.4.0

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Rad Studio 

Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in this version:

[+] : ZLib has been updated to 1.2.12, includes the latest security fix (*only Enterprise Edition).
[+] : ZLib now can use a dll instead of using static linking using the conditional define "SGC_DYNAMICLOAD_ZLIB" (*only Enterprise Edition with source code).
[+] : New Event on Server components "OnHTTPUploadReadInput" to read the Input Values when a file is received.
[+] : Improved STOMP RabbitMQT Client, the Publish methods now have a new parameter "Headers", where optional custom headers can be sent to the RabbitMQ server.
[+] : Improved OAuth2 Client Demo, now shows how use a TWebBrowser instead of WebBrowser for Azure AD.
[+] : Improved Pusher Client, now supports Cache Channels.

[*] : Fixed Bug installer, if the username/password contains some special characters, an empty error was returned and the install cannot continue.
[*] : Fixed Bug installer (for registered users), when trying to install in a network drive raises the error "path does not exists".
[*] : Fixed Bug Enterprise Basic Edition, compiling datasnap server raise the error: file not found.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebBroker Enterprise HTTPAPI, compiling error: Undeclared identifier CustomHeader.
[*] : Fixed Bug Trial after installing the library, unknown proc error was returned.
[*] : Fixed Bug DataSnap and HTTP.SYS when processing a response, an invalid pointer was raised while trying to free an already destroyed stream.
[*] : Removed some unused references from Delphi 7 package.
[*] : Fixed Bug STOMP Client, an internal object was not freed when the client was destroyed. (Thanks to Preben to let me know).
[*] : Fixed Bug Binance Client, the method "UnSubscribeKLine" didn't stop receiving KLine updates.
[*] : Fixed Bug DataSnap HTTP/2 Server, "There is no overloaded version of 'DoHTTP2Response' that can be called with these arguments".
[*] : Fixed Bug DataSnap HTTP/2 Server, if the server received an HTTP/1 requests (instead of HTTP/2) the datasnap method was not processed properly.
[*] : Fixed Bug OAuth2 Client, after receiving a successful Access Token, sometimes a favicon request was processed as invalid.
[*] : Fixed Bug using openSSL 3.0, access violation calling a deprecated method when an internal error occurs. 


​[+] : ZLib has been updated to 1.2.12, includes the latest security fix (*only Enterprise Edition).
[+] : New Event on Server components "OnHTTPUploadReadInput" to read the Input Values when a file is received.

[*] : Fixed Bug Binance Client, the method "UnSubscribeKLine" didn't stop receiving KLine updates.
[*] : Fixed Bug OAuth2 Client, after receiving a successful Access Token, sometimes a favicon request was processed as invalid.
[*] : Fixed Bug using openSSL 3.0, access violation calling a deprecated method when an internal error occurs.

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