By Admin on Wednesday, 16 November 2022
Category: All

sgcWebSockets 2022.9

Rad Studio 

[+] : Added support for EPOLL on Linux Indy Servers (Websocket and HTTPs Servers). The property IOHandlerOptions.IOHandlerType has a new value called iohEPOLL.

[+] : New Property "IOHandlerOptions.EPOLL" on Indy Servers, to configure the EPOLL IOHandler Server properties.
[+] : New Demo which shows how the Indy EPOLL Server works in the folder "03.WebSocket_High_Performance_Server\03.Indy_EPOLL_Server".
[+] : Improved IOCP on Windows Indy Servers (WebSocket and HTTPs Servers). The IOHandler has been rewritten from scratch and performance has been optimized.
[+] : Improved Google OpenAPI Client:
- New Property ServiceAccountOptions allowing to use some APIs like Calendar API with Domain-Wide Delegation.
- New method ClearOAuth2Token to force re-authentication against Google Servers when using OAuth2 as Authentication.
- If the server returns 401 error, now the internal OAuth2 tokens are cleared, so next time the client will request a new authentication.
[+] : Improved TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_Calendar_Client now supports Authentication using Service Accounts with Domain-Wide Delegation.
[+] : Improved SChannel IOHandler, now implements SCH_CREDENTIALS instead of the deprecated SCHANNEL_CRED.

[*] : Fixed Bug Google Calendar Client, when the Token was refreshed, the requests sent the old and the new token.
[*] : Fixed TsgcWSPServer_sgc, an access violation may be raised when accessing an internal queue in some cases.
[*] : Fixed Bug JWT, access violation on ES Algorithm when using openSSL 1.1 or 3.0.
[*] : Fixed Bug compiling iOS64, sgcIdSSLOpenSSLHeaders_static.pas(1284): E2035 Not enough actual parameters.
[*] : Fixed Bug sgcWebSockets configuration package for Linux on Delphi 10.3 and 11.0.


[+] : Improved IOCP on Windows Indy Servers (WebSocket and HTTPs Servers). The IOHandler has been rewritten from scratch and performance has been optimized.

[+] : Improved SChannel IOHandler, now implements SCH_CREDENTIALS instead of the deprecated SCHANNEL_CRED.

[*] : Fixed Bug JWT, access violation on ES Algorithm when using openSSL 1.1 or 3.0.

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