By Admin on Monday, 10 April 2023
Category: All

sgcWebSockets 2023.3

Rad Studio

[+] : Added Support for OpenAI API, which allows to interact with models like gpt-3.5-turbo, speech to text, translations, Image AI generation and much more.
[+] : New Demos which show how to use the OpenAI API in the folder "15.AI".
[+] : Improved TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP, there is a new property "VerifyCertificate" to enable the Server Certificate Validation.
[+] : Improved Amazon AWS SDK, the JSON classes now are created by default, to enable it, enable the compiler directive SGC_OPENAPI_JSON (Requires Rad Studio XE7+).
[+] : New Demo showing how to stream video using the function IndyStreamFileVideo. The demo is located in the folder "04.WebSocket_Other_Samples\10.StreamVideo".
[+] : Improved TsgcWebSocketClient, added new properties BoundIP, BoundPort, BoundPortMax and BoundPortMin to set the local address of the client.
[+] : Improved OAuth2 Server Component, now supports Client Credentials authorization Grant Type.
[+] : Improved OAuth2 Server Component, function AddToken now has a new parameter: Scope.
[+] : Improved OAuth2 Server Component, function AddToken now if the Token has expired but the RefreshToken exists, the token is added to the internal list and it's not discarded.
[*] : Improved SignalR Client, new property SignalR.Authorization to allow Bearer Token Authentication.
[*] : Improved WebSocket Server, Basic Authentication now allows to configure CORS.

[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketServer/TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer, some SSL Options were not properly initialised if SSL was enabled before the SSL options were set.
[*] : Fixed Bug Datasnap Indy server, OnExceptionEvent was not found.
[*] : Fixed Bug OpenAPI, path parameters may be wrong encoded in some cases.
[*] : Fixed Bug OpenAPI Parser when the endpoint has more than 255 characters.
[*] : Fixed Bug SChannel, the SSL Parameter parameter from CredentialsCallBack was not called properly. (Thanks to Stefan to let me know).
[*] : Fixed Bug IOCP IOHandler, invalid pointer when destroying the internal connection.
[*] : Fixed Bug Amazon AWS SDK, some POST methods were using a wrong ContentType.
[*] : Fixed Bug Bybit API, the expire time was not set properly.
[*] : Fixed Bug Range Check Error using SChannel as TLS Provider.
[*] : Fixed Bug OAuth2 Server processing the Token request, the server returns in some cases invalid_request.
[*] : Fixed Bug Google Calendar Client, setting a timezone has no effect on the start/end event.
[*] : Fixed Bug SignalRCore API, when calling the invoke method and passing an argument as an object, the json message was incorrect.

[/] : TsgcWSAPI_FTX client API has been deleted.


[+] : Added support for .NET 7.0
[+] : Added Support for Linux64.

[*] : Fixed Bug SChannel, the SSL Parameter parameter from CredentialsCallBack was not called properly. (Thanks to Stefan to let me know).
[*] : Fixed Bug IOCP IOHandler, invalid pointer when destroying the internal connection.
[*] : Fixed Bug Range Check Error using SChannel as TLS Provider.
[*] : Fixed Bug OAuth2 Server processing the Token request, the server returns in some cases invalid_request.
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketClient, Stop and Disconnect methods were not properly called.
[*] : Fixed Bug WebSocket and Server clients, the event OnHandshake was not raised.

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