By Admin on Tuesday, 09 May 2023
Category: All

sgcWebSockets 2023.4

Rad Studio

​[+] : New Server API Component TsgcWSAPIServer_WebPush, implements WebPush Protocol on Server Side, allowing to ask permission to the users, register the subscriptions, send notifications and more.

[+] : New Client API Component TsgcWebPush_Client, implements WebPush Protocol on Client Side, allowing to send notifications to users via desktop and mobile web.
[+] : New Demo showing the main features of WebPush Protocol, the sample can be found in the folder "20.HTTP_Protocol\11.WebPush_Notifications".
[+] : Improved SignalRCore Client, new property SignalRCore.Authentication.TokenParam which allows to configure where pass the access_token, as a query parameter or as a header.
[+] : Improved OpenAPI Parser, added support for AdditionalProperties.
[+] : Improved OAuth2 Server, there is a new event "OnOAuth2Unauthorized" which is called when a request is not authorized and will be disconnected here you can configure which endpoints require OAuth2 Authentication and which not.
[+] : Improved JWT Server, there is a new event "OnJWTUnauthorized" which is called when a request is not authorized and will be disconnected, here you can configure which endpoints require JWT Authentication and which not.

[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketServer, if a connection is closed with an error 10053 while is writing data, the thread freezes trying to closing the socket again.
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketServer, if server receives an OPTIONS request while the Basic Authentication is enabled, the Server must not return a realm. Now the request is handled in the OnCommandOther event.
[*] : Fixed Bug AMQP Protocol, if there was an exception inside the event OnAMQPBasicDeliver, the connection was closed.
[*] : Fixed Bug OpenAPI Parser, deleted private/public sections not required.
[*] : Fixed Bug RTCPeerConnection, EIntOverflow when converting an array of bytes to UInt64.
[*] : Fixed Bug OpenAPI Parser fails to register the license if the installer were not used previously.
[*] : Fixed Bug OpenAPI Client, the Objects and Property arrays were not destroyed. (Thanks to Waldemar for the fix).


[+] : Added TsgcWSConnectionServer.HeadersRequest property to get the HandShake sent by the client.
[+] : Improved OAuth2 Server, there is a new event "OnOAuth2Unauthorized" which is called when a request is not authorized and will be disconnected here you can configure which endpoints require OAuth2 Authentication and which not.
[+] : Improved JWT Server, there is a new event "OnJWTUnauthorized" which is called when a request is not authorized and will be disconnected, here you can configure which endpoints require JWT Authentication and which not.
[+] : Improved HTTP Server, new method ProcessPostStream, call this method inside OnCommandGet if you want to process the file uploaded before send a response to the peer.

[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketServer, if a connection is closed with an error 10053 while is writing data, the thread freezes trying to closing the socket again.
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWebSocketServer, if server receives an OPTIONS request while the Basic Authentication is enabled, the Server must not return a realm. Now the request is handled in the OnCommandOther event.
[*] : Fixed Bug TsgcWSConnection.HeadersResponse, the value was not decoded properly.

[*] : Fixed Bug OnHandshake event, the Headers modifications were not sent to the server. 

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