By Admin on Friday, 06 March 2020
Category: All

sgcWebSockets 4.3.5

Changes included in new version:

 [+] : New Component TsgcHTTPAWS_SQS_Client, Amazon SQS is a fully managed message queues for microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.

[+] : New Component TsgcWSAPI_Discord, Discord is one of the most popular communication tools for online gaming and streaming. (Thanks to Adriaan for his help).
[+] : New Demo "Amazon/SQS" which shows how connect to Amazon SQS service and create queues, send and receive messages, get queues...
[+] : Updated Client Demo to show how Discord Gateway API works.
[+] : New Property in Socket.IO API "EncodeParameters", if enabled, encode url parameters of http get session.
[+] : New event in WAMP 2.0 Protocol, OnWAMPChallenge: when server requires authentication, in this event "secret key" can be set.
[+] : Updated URL property of TsgcWebSocketClient, now accepts "tcp" connections, so you can pass a url like this: "tcp://", so will use TCP instead of websocket as protocol.
[+] : New FMXMQTT demo which shows how MQTT client works in FMX (windows, mac os, linux64...)
[+] : New SignalR demo showing how connect to c# signalr server.
[+] : Improved internal HTTPs calls for APIs and Protocols clients, now https requests take the same properties than TLSOptions of TsgcWebSocketClient.

[*] : Fixed Bug Snapshots demo, there was a memory leak creating image in web browser client side.
[*] : Fixed Bug Published field 'CertStatus' not a class or interface type. (Thanks to Mark to let me know).
[*] : Fixed Bug in OpenSSL 1.1.1 and iOS, cannot load library.
[*] : Fixed Bug WAMP 2.0 Protocol, Subscribe method always send option parameter with default value, now Subscribe method has a new parameter called "Options".
[*] : Fixed Bug compiling Indy Beta for Android 64.
[*] : Fixed Bug WatchDog was not working for SignalR and SignalRCore APIs.
[*] : Fixed Bug MQTT and plain TCP protocol, error parsing multiple messages (using websocket as protocol, worked well).
[*] : Fixed Bug WebSocketServer with IOCP, if client disconnects with Options.CleanDisconnect = False, server doesn't fire OnDisconnect event.

Amazon SQS 

From sgcWebSockets 4.3.5 Amazon SQS service is supported, you can read more about how Amazon SQS works with sgcWebSockets in the following link 


Discord API

 Discord is one of the most popular communication tools for online gaming and streaming, from sgcWebSockets 4.3.5 Discord API is partially supported, read more about.
