By Admin on Sunday, 04 April 2021
Category: All

sgcWebSockets 4.4.8

 Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in sgcWebSockets 4.4.8:

[+] : New Component TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client, allows to encode and sign JWT Tokens as Authentication Bearers in HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and WebSocket Client Components.
[+] : New Component TsgcHTTP_JWT_Server, allows to decode and validate JWT Tokens as Authentication Bearers in HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and WebSocket Client Components.
[+] : New Component TsgcWSAPI_Kraken_Futures, Kraken client component to get futures market data. Supports:
- WebSocket Public and Private Channels.
- REST Public and Private Endpoints.
[+] : Improved Coinbase Pro API, now Rest API is fully supported, so you can trade: place market orders, limit orders, cancel orders, list orders...
[+] : Improved Coinbase Pro API, WebSocket API now supports user channel.
[+] : Improved Coinbase Pro API, New Property "SandBox" which allows to test trading account without real funds.
[+] : Improved LogFile in WebSocket Server and Client components, now websocket messages are logged unmasked.
[+] : Improved Telegram API, new Methods: GetBasicGroupFullInfo, GetSupergroupMembers and GetChatMember, allow to get members information of Basic and Super groups.
[+] : Improved TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer, new property "Charset" where you can set the default Charset of DocumentRoot files served.
[+] : Improved OpenSSL 1.1.1, reading certificates with password, now doesn't require enable the compiler define "SGC_OPENSSL_API_1_1" in
[+] : Improved SSLOptions.OpenSSL_Options.ECDHE property of WebSocket Server, now if enabled adds a secure cipherlist for TLS 1.2.
[+] : Improved Binance Client, if a message is received from Binance informing that ListenKey has expired, automatically requests a new ListenKey.

[*] : Fixed Bug WebSocket protocol reading UTF8 message using Delphi 7 to 2009 and with latest indy version.
[*] : Fixed Bug Google PubSub Client, messages were encoded as ASCII instead of UTF-8.
[*] : Fixed Bug Binance API converting LocalTime to UNIX UTC Time.
[*] : Fixed Bug HTTP/2 Client, Headers argument of OnHTTP2BeforeRequest event wasn't initialized.
[*] : Fixed Bug HTTP/2 Server, detecting HTTP/2 protocol fails if buffer contains more than 1 frame.
[*] : Fixed Bug OAuth2 Client, passing username/password returns an Access Violation assigning values to HTTP client. (Thanks to Peter to let me know).
[*] : Fixed Bug Range Check Error (when RangeChecking is enabled in Compiler options) in HTTP/2 protocol.
[*] : Fixed Bug converting Integer to array of bytes in HTTP/2 protocol.
[*] : Fixed Bug HTTP/2 Client, openSSL libraries 1.0.2 were loaded instead of 1.1.1 when APIVersion = oslAPI_1_1.
[*] : Fixed Bug HTTP/2 Client, event OnHTTP2GoAway, the parameter GoAway wasn't assigned when notifyEvents = neAsynchronous.
[*] : Fixed Bug HTTP/2 Client, event OnHTTP2RSTStream, the parameter RSTStream wasn't assigned when notifyEvents = neAsynchronous.
[*] : Fixed Bug TLS 1.3 and OpenSSL 1.1.1, by default set the minimum protocol to TLS 1.0 instead of TLS 1.2

[/] : Changed PSSL_CTX to Pointer, to allow both APIs: openSSL 1.0.2 (PSSL_CTX_1_0) and openSSL 1.1.1 (PSSL_CTX_1_01)

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