By Admin on Monday, 07 June 2021
Category: All

sgcWebSockets 4.5.0

 Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in sgcWebSockets 4.5.0:

[+] : New Component TsgcSTUNServer, implements the STUN Server Protocol providing a service to discover the mapped IP Address and port number.
[+] : New Component TsgcSTUNClient, implements the STUN Client Protocol.
[+] : New Demo which shows how use STUN Server and Client, is located in folder "35.P2P\02.STUN".
[+] : New Component TsgcWSAPI_FTX, client component with support for FTX Broker Crypto trading. Supports:
       - WebSocket Public and Private Channels.
       - REST Public and Private Endpoints.
[+] : New property "BoundPortMin" and "BoundPortMax" in TsgcWebSocketClient, allows to set the min and max local port used by websocket client.
[+] : New property "LingerState" in TsgcWebSocketClient, allows to reset a socket connection where LingerState = 0. By default the value is -1, which means the connection will be closed gracefully.
[+] : Modified Publish method of Google PubSub, now has a new parameter called "aOrderingKey" where you can set the name of the attributes which is the key.
[+] : Improved HTTP.SYS Server, if Watchdog.Monitor is enabled server is SSL, the client monitor uses SChannel instead of OpenSSL.
[+] : Improved Binance API, new property "TestNet", if enabled will connect to the Binance Demo Account.
[+] : Improved Binance Spot API client component, new methods: CancelAllOpenOrders, PlaceMarketOrder, PlaceLimitOrder and PlaceStopOrder.
[+] : Improved Binance Futures API client component, new methods: PlaceMarketOrder, PlaceLimitOrder and PlaceStopOrder.
[+] : Improved WinHTTP WebSocket Client, implemented Connect and Disconnect methods to wait till client is connected/disconnected from server.
[+] : Improved WinHTTP WebSocket Client, implemented Start and Stop methods which connect/disconnect from server using a secondary thread avoiding freezing the main thread.
[+] : Improved Telegram API, method GetSupergroupMembers now can be filtered by Administrator, Bots, Contacts...
[+] : Improved OAuth2 Server, new method "AddToken" allows to recover issued tokens when the OAuth2 server is restarted.

[*] : Fixed Bug Google PubSub, if the published messages have attributes, the attributes weren't double quoted.
[*] : Fixed Bug HTTP.SYS Server, the CustomHeaders set in the HTTP Response were not included in the HTTP Response Headers.
[*] : Fixed Bug HTTP.SYS Server, the ContentStream was not included in the HTTP Response Body.
[*] : Fixed Bug when Options.RaiseDisconnectException was true, the event was raised in the context of the connection thread even if notifyEvents <> neNoSync.
[*] : Fixed Bug compiling under FPC and ARM, there was a thread-lock using the latest indy version.
[*] : Fixed Bug HTTP.SYS Server, the LogFile.FileName was not editable at design-time.
[*] : Fixed Bug HTTP.SYS Server, memory leak when the connection was disconnected.
[*] : Fixed Bug WinHTTP WebSocket Client (asynchronous = true) the buffersize was fixed instead of using ReceiveBufferSize property.
[*] : Fixed Bug WinHTTP WebSocket Client (asynchronous = true) if there was an error during websocket handshake an unhandled exception was raised.
[*] : Fixed Bug when TsgcWebSocketClient has attached some API, if the OnDisconnect internal event had an exception while processing, the event was not called.
[*] : Fixed Bug Telegram API when Document.FileName has utf-8 characters.

[/] : Renamed Property TsgcWebResponseHTTPAPI.CustomHeader to TsgcWebResponseHTTPAPI.CustomHeaders.
[/] : Modified function PlaceStopOrder of Coinbase API Client.
[/] : Modified Book Depth value "bde15" to "bde20".
[/] : Renamed OAuth2 Server function "GetApp" to "GetAppByClientId".