By Admin on Monday, 02 March 2020
Category: All

SignalR Server and Client C#

sgcWebSockets supports SignalR and SignalRCore protocols, now we will see an example of how connect to a SignalR Server using a c# sample from CodeProject webpage, you can access to article using the following link:

This article shows how create a simple Server and Client using SignalR as protocol, full csharp source is hosted in github

In the following lines, I will show how connect to this SignalR server using sgcWebSockets library.

Start connection

In order to connect to a SignalR server, we will use TsgcWebSocketClient as websocket client and TsgcWSAPI_SignalR as SignalR API. Create first websocket client and SignalR API and attach SignalR API to WebSocket client.

Then you must set server data connection. In this case, server is listening on url: http://localhost:8080. TsgcWebSocketClient has a property called URL where we can set URL of websocket server, as we will use websocket protocol our url will be: ws://localhost:8080 

 Finally, SignalR requires a Hub name, in this demo, hub name is simplehub.

​Then, we can call WSClient.Active := True to start a new connection. If server is active, we will receive a message from server informing a successful connection.

Send Message 

 Once connected, we can send a message to server, we will use WriteData method from TsgcWSAPI_SignalR component. SignalR uses a propietary protocol, basically is a JSON message with some arguments. In this example, method is called Send and argument is text message. Messages are received OnSignalRMessage event.

Join / Leave messages 

 Server sample has 2 methods to join and leave users from a group. Message format is very similar to Send message, let's see some examples:


You can download compiled project for C# and Delphi using the following link:

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