Anonymous User
  Wednesday, 04 December 2024
  4 Replies
  156 Visits

I send in a Delphi 7 app binary data via a single TSgcIdClient instance to different devices in LAN.
The UDP port is fix only the target IPs will be changed.

After several minutes more and more ports are blocked until the app has been restarted.
Which blocks are blocked is different - sometimes also TCP 80 or 443.

I have checked my code by using sample codes but it works except this issue.
Is there anything to consider ?

Thanks in advance.

3 weeks ago

I am sorry but I think I don't understand, which is the name of the component are you using? because there is no TsgcIdClient component.

Kind Regards,
3 weeks ago
Hello Sergio.

Sorry - I am using a TsgcIDUDPClient component.

Here are some code snippets.

Instance of UDP client is created one time in process:
var client:TsgcIDUDPClient;
client :=TsgcIDUDPClient.Create(NIL);

Sending data happens in a thread cyclicaly (interval is 250msec or less):

The length of <buffer> is max. 1024 bytes.

3 weeks ago

I've opened a UDP server in one machine and the UDP client in another machine, the client sends a message every second and I don't see this behaviour.
I'm using the demo in the folder: "Demos\35.P2P\01.UDP_Server_Client", just modified with a TTimer in the UDP client.
To check which ports are opened I'm using TCPView, which can be downloaded from:


I don't know why it's happening, try to identify which application is blocking these ports, maybe an antivirus or firewall?

Kind Regards,
Attachments (1)
3 weeks ago

Thank you - I will check with TCPview.

My app is used on computers of different customers. Therefore it could be their AV or FW.
But it happens also on my local test environment (no domain, fix IPs, 1x PC and 1x target device).
AV and FW are the Windows instances of the test computer.

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