Monday, 24 January 2022
  17 Replies
  781 Visits
I would like to make https server, running in docker. On windows, all is allright, but in docker, server stop after start immediatelly. I have logging on all possible events, but nothing raised (also onException).

2022_01_24-12_09_58.337_000 - PublicHTTPAndWebSocketServer.Starting on port : 80
2022_01_24-12_09_58.337_000 - Starting with ssl : YES
2022_01_24-12_09_58.337_000 - PublicHTTPAndWebSocketServer.Starting on SSLport : 443
2022_01_24-12_09_58.337_000 - SSL KeyFile : <path>/privkey.pem
2022_01_24-12_09_58.337_000 - SSL CertFile : <path>/cert.pem
2022_01_24-12_09_58.337_000 - SSL RootCertFile : <path>/chain.pem

2022_01_24-12_09_58.362_000 - INFO:PublicHTTPAndWebSocketServer.doOnShutdown: