Wednesday, 04 December 2019
  1 Replies
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I'm developing an app that will have the following features:
Chat one on one, group, one for many,
Video conferencing in real time

I intend to develop in Firemonkey for Andoroid and IOs,
The backend will be developed in node.js (subscribe) and RethinkDB

It would be possible to know if using your WebSocket compiler it would be possible to implement the resources described above, for communication with the backend, and the app will be in FireMonkey.

I'm waiting.
5 years ago

sgcWebSockets support Firemonkey, so yes, you can use in Android and iOS.
There is a component to connect to servers, so you will be able to connect to your server.
Chat, video, geofence... are not implemented by websocket protocol. WebSocket allows to send/receive text/binary messages. So, if you transmit video conferencing from server to your clients, client must read this data, decode and process. Of course, sgcWebSockets library doesn't know nothing about it.

Kind regards,
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