sgcWebSockets 4.4.4

These are the features included in sgcWebSockets 4.4.4 [+] : New Component TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_Calendar_Client, allows to use Google Calendar API V3: get Calendars, events, synchronize with your own calendar... [+] : New Demo GoogleCalendar which shows the main features of Google Calendar Client. [+] : New method "PublishAndWait" in MQTT Client, th...

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WatchDog Monitor Server

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.4 a new property Monitor has been added to WatchDog feature, WatchDog.Monitor allows to verify if new clients can connect to server, this is done by an internal client that tries to open a WebSocket connection to server, if fails, it restart the server.  To monitor if clients can connect to server with a Time Out of 10 s...

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Telegram Client and Proxies

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.4, the Telegram Client supports Proxy connections. Telegram Client can be configured to make of use of a proxy. Currently, Telegram supports 3 types of proxies: 1. HTTP 2. MTProto 3. Socks5 Add Proxy  In order to configure a HTTP Proxy, first you must add the proxy to telegram configuration, to do this, just call Ad...

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MQTT Publish Message and Wait Response

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.4 the MQTT client has a new method called PublishAndWait. Till now, when a client publishes a message using QoS levels 1 or 2, the only way to know if the message was processed by server was using the asynchronous events OnMQTTAcknowledgment or OnMQTTPubComp, this means that client must implement his own wait method to check ...

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Google Calendar Client API V3

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.4, Google Calendar API is supported, the Google Calendar API lets you integrate your app with Google Calendar, creating new ways for you to engage your users. The Calendar API lets you display, create and modify calendar events as well as work with many other calendar-related objects, such as calendars or access controls. Mai...

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sgcWebSockets 4.4.3

These are the features included in sgcWebSockets 4.4.3 [+] : Initial support for HTTP/2 in TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer - New property HTTP2Options: allows to enable HTTP/2 protocol and configure initial settings. [+] : Improved Bittrex API component, now supports latest V3 API. - New Methods: Subscriptions to Balance, Orders, Candles, Trades... - New E...

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DataSnap with WebSocket and HTTP/2

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.3, you can replace your DataSnap server application by our WebSockets server and take advantage of new features like: WebSocket ProtocolHTTP/2 ProtocolIOCP There are 3 different types of server that you can use as a replacement of TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge default Indy server.  Server Main Features Description TsgcWSHTTPWeb...

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HTTP/2 Server Test Performance

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.3, HTTP/2 is initially supported and new features will be added on next versions. In a prior entry blog we compared the performance between HTTP 1.1 and HTTP/2 protocols, to do this, I use sgcWebSockets HTTP/2 client which downloaded 100 images from servers.  HTTP/2 Client  sgcWebSockets HTTP/2 clie...

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HTTP/2 Initial Server Support

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.3 HTTP/2 protocol is initially supported (it's still on beta) from TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer. Fast HTTP.SYS based server will receive support for HTTP/2 on next versions. By default, HTTP/2 support is disabled, so you must enable before testing. There is a new property, called HTTP2Options, just set HTTP2Options.Enabled = ...

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AWS IoT MQTT Custom Authentication

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.3, Amazon AWS IoT MQTT component supports custom authentication, so from this version all MQTT protocols are supported. MQTT over WebSocketsMQTT over TCPX.509 certificate authenticationSignature V4 authenticationCustom Authentication Protocols Supported   The following table lists the protocols that the AWS IoT devi...

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