sgcWebSockets API Pusher components
From sgcWebSockets 4.1.5 Pusher WebSocket API is supported.
Pusher it's an easy and reliable platform with nice features based on websocket protocol: flexible pub/sub messaging, live user lists (presence), authentication...
Pusher WebSocket API is 7.
Data is sent bidirectionally over a WebSocket as text data containing UTF8 encoded JSON (Binary WebSocket frames are not supported).
You can call Ping method to test connection to server. Essentially any messages received from the other party are considered to mean that the connection is alive. In the absence of any messages either party may check that the other side is responding by sending a ping message, to which the other party should respond with a pong.
Before you connect, you must complete following fields:
Pusher.Cluster := 'eu'; // cluster where is located your pusher account
Pusher.Key := '9c3b7ef25qe97a00116c'; // your pusher api key
Pusher.Name := 'js'; // optional, name of your application
Pusher.Version := '4.1'; // optional, version of your application
Pusher.TLS := True; // if encrypted, set to True
Pusher.Secret := '2dc792e1916ac49e6b3f'; // pusher secret string (needed for private and absence channels)
After a successful connection, OnPusherConnect event is raised and you get following fields:
Socket ID: A unique identifier for the connected client.
Timeout: The number of seconds of server inactivity after which the client should initiate a ping message (this is handled automatically by component).
In case of error, OnPusherError will be raised, and information about error provided. An error may be sent from Pusher in response to invalid authentication, an invalid command, etc.
Indicates an error resulting in the connection being closed by Pusher, and that attempting to reconnect using the same parameters will not succeed.
4000: Application only accepts SSL connections, reconnect using wss://
4001: Application does not exist
4003: Application disabled
4004: Application is over connection quota
4005: Path not found
4006: Invalid version string format
4007: Unsupported protocol version
4008: No protocol version supplied
Indicates an error resulting in the connection being closed by Pusher, and that the client may reconnect after 1s or more.
4100: Over capacity
Indicates an error resulting in the connection being closed by Pusher, and that the client may reconnect immediately.
4200: Generic reconnect immediately
4201: Pong reply not received: ping was sent to the client, but no reply was received - see ping and pong messages
4202: Closed after inactivity: Client has been inactive for a long time (currently 24 hours) and client does not support ping. Please upgrade to a newer WebSocket draft or implement version 5 or above of this protocol.
Any other type of error.
4301: Client event rejected due to rate limit
Channels are a fundamental concept in Pusher. Each application has a number of channels, and each client can choose which channels it subscribes to.
Channels provide:
A way of filtering data. For example, in a chat application there may be a channel for people who want to discuss ‘dogs’
A way of controlling access to different streams of information. For example, a project management application would want to authorise people to get updates about ‘projectX’
It's strongly recommended that channels are used to filter your data and that it is not achieved using events. This is because all events published to a channel are sent to all subscribers, regardless of their event binding.
Channels don’t need to be explicitly created, and are instantiated on client demand. This means that creating a channel is easy. Just tell a client to subscribe to it.
There are 3 types of channels:
Public channels can be subscribed to by anyone who knows their name
Private channels introduce a mechanism which lets your server control access to the data you are broadcasting
Presence channels are an extension of private channels. They let you ‘register’ user information on subscription, and let other members of the channel know who’s online
Public Channels
Public channels should be used for publicly accessible data as they do not require any form authorisation in order to be subscribed to.
You can subscribe and unsubscribe from channels at any time. There’s no need to wait for the Pusher to finish connecting first.
Example: subscribe to channel "my-channel".
If you are subscribed successfully OnPusherSubscribe event will be raised, if there is an error you will get a message in OnPusherError event.
All messages from subscribed channel will be received OnPusherEvent event.
Private Channels
Requires Indy 10.5.7 or later
Private channels should be used when access to the channel needs to be restricted in some way. In order for a user to subscribe to a private channel permission must be authorised.
Example: subscribe to channel "my-private-channel".
APIPusher.Subscribe('my-private-channel', pscPrivateChannel);
If you are subscribed successfully OnPusherSubscribe event will be raised, if there is an error you will get a message in OnPusherError event.
All messages from subscribed channel will be received OnPusherEvent event.
Presence Channels
Requires Indy 10.5.7 or later
Presence channels build on the security of Private channels and expose the additional feature of an awareness of who is subscribed to that channel. This makes it extremely easy to build chat room and “who’s online” type functionality to your application. Think chat rooms, collaborators on a document, people viewing the same web page, competitors in a game, that kind of thing.
Presence channels are subscribed to from the client API in the same way as private channels but the channel name must be prefixed with presence-. As with private channels a HTTP Request is made to a configurable authentication URL to determine if the current user has permissions to access the channel.
Information on users subscribing to, and unsubscribing from a channel can then be accessed by binding to events on the presence channel and the current state of users subscribed to the channel is available via the channel.members property.
Example: subscribe to channel "my-presence-channel".
APIPusher.Subscribe('my-presence-channel', pscPresenceChannel, '{"user_id":"John_Smith","user_info":{"name":"John Smith"}}');
If you are subscribed successfully OnPusherSubscribe event will be raised, if there is an error you will get a message in OnPusherError event.
All messages from subscribed channel will be received OnPusherEvent event.
Publish Messages
Not only you can receive messages from subscribed channels, you can send messages to other subscribed users.
Call method Publish to send a message to all subscribed users of channel.
Example: send an event to all subscribed users of "my-channel'
APIPusher.Publish('my-event', 'my-channel');
Publish no more than 10 messages per second per client (connection). Any events triggered above this rate limit will be rejected by Pusher API. This is not a system issue, it is a client issue. 100 clients in a channel sending messages at this rate would each also have to be processing 1,000 messages per second! Whilst some modern browsers might be able to handle this it’s most probably not a good idea.