• Yes, requires OpenSSL
  • No, only Blocking mode
  • Yes, Requires Win8.+

Quoine (liquid.com) changes in websocket API

Recently, Quoine has changed websocket API, before that it was using pusher as library for websocket connections, now has moved to another host so pusher protocol doesn't works anymore.

In order to make to work again follow next steps:

1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketClient component and set URL to new websocket host:

    WSClient.URL := 'wss://tap.liquid.com/app/LIQUID?protocol=7&client=js&version=4.4.0&flash=false';

2. Server requires TLS 1.2, so configure client for this TLS version.

    WSClient.TLSOptions.Version := tls1_2;

3. Open a new connection, and OnConnect event, subscribe to channel

    procedure WSClientConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection);




That's all, you will get updates in OnMessage event.