In the previous blog, I show how retrieve a device token, now I will show how use the HTTP/2 sgcWebSockets client to send a notification (without the authentication part).
Send your remote notification payload and device token information to Apple Push Notification service (APNs).
How Connect to APNs
You must use HTTP/2 protocol and at least TLS 1.2 or later to establish a successful connection between your Server Provider and one of the following servers:
Development Server:
Production Server:
Create a new instance of TsgcHTTP2Client and call the method POST to send a notification to APNs.
oHTTP := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil); Try // ... requires authorization code oStream := TStringStream.Create('{"aps":{"alert":"Alert from sgcWebSockets!"}}'); Try oHTTP.Post('', oStream); if oHTTP.Response.Status = 200 then ShowMessage('Notification Sent Successfully') else ShowMessage('Notification error'); Finally oStream.Free; End; Finally oHTTP.Free; End;
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